The Closing Institute - Full Arch Sales Critique

March, 2023

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Woman 1:  Okay. So, you just go through all the motions. Go ahead and mute yourself.


Woman 2: And close, um…

Woman 1: Okay. What’s [inaudible]. Make sure you mute it. [inaudible]. Do you see that?

Woman 2: Yes.

Woman 1: Um, you’re gonna wanna turn off the camera too. You don’t need it. Okay. So, we’re gonna view gallery.

Woman 2: View gallery.

[background sounds]

Woman 1: Okay. And you wanna put the chat up. There’s… I don’t know how to put the chat up there. They say there’s a way, but I really don’t know how to.

[silence] [background sounds]

Woman 2: Turn off.  


Participant: [inaudible]

Woman 1: Hey, Bart.

Participant: I’m not even in yet.

Woman 1: Are we good to start?

Participant: Go on.

Woman 1: Sorry, I can’t hear you. Unmute. Are you… You’re on mute [inaudible].

Participant: [inaudible] on mute.

Becky: Oh yeah.

Bart: [inaudible] Yep. Good to start.

Woman 1: Good to start? Alright.

Bart: Yes. Oh. [background sounds] [inaudible] Oh.

[background sounds]

Woman 1: Okay. Is it better?

Bart: Yep.

Participant: Yes.

Bart: Hey, hey, hey. What’s up, guys?

Participant: Hi.

Bart: How’s it going? How’s it going?

[background sounds]

Participant: How are you?

Bart: I’m good.

Participant: Good morning.

Bart: Y’all closing some arches?

Participant: [inaudible]

Woman 1: Something like that.

Bart: We’re trying to sell ’em anyways.

Woman 1: Possibly not doing the, um, impressions that same day. [inaudible] uhm…

Bart: I’m just gonna give everybody a minute to log on here.

Participant: We’re patient for this.


Participant: Mr. [inaudible] needs a hard bridge. [inaudible]

Participant: [inaudible]

Participant: I don’t know if I like this or… [inaudible]

Bart: We’ve some really awesome video to go through today, really good one actually. Uh, Becky did it from Dr. Kimmel’s office. [inaudible] the first time. It was really, really, really well. So, I’m excited to show this one.

Participant: [inaudible] two videos but, um…

Bart: Anybody have any good closes that you wanna share or anything, or anything that may have, uh, that may have stumped you while waiting for everybody, everybody to log on? Anyone have anything good?

[crosstalk] [inaudible]

Woman 3: So, for just starting, um, here at Tri-Cities Periodontics and Implants, um, we’ve already closed about two cases, and it’s just been new within, like, the last three weeks.

Bart: Nice.

Woman 3: I mean, it’s… I’ve been a dental assistant for the last fourteen years, so this is all new to me. So it’s a totally different… You know, compared to being the assistant to basically selling a treatment plan, it’s a little different and it’s new, but we’ve already got, uh, three [inaudible] scheduled so far. So, it’s kind of exciting with it being so new to us, so…

Participant: That was so… [crosstalk]

Bart: Nice. Nice. So, you feel like a shark right now instead of an assistant? [crosstalk] You closed it?

Woman 3: Yes. Yes, but I’m… I do miss the assisting part, but yes, I’m excited for this new opportunity and just like learning something new.

Bart: Awesome. Awesome. Well, it’s always nice to get off to, uh, to get off to a good start, you know. The more, the more you… [coughing] uh, the more that you use it, the more consultations, the more reps you get, the more comfortable it’s going to be. The most important thing is just start… just start putting the process in place and just start using it.

Man 2: Can-can you see us?

Bart: I can see you.

Man 2: Can you hear us?

Man 3: I’m on the call too… [crosstalk]

Bart: I can hear… I can hear you. I can see you.

Participant: [inaudible]

Bart: We got a bunch of people logging in, [laughter] so, I’m just letting everybody get in.

Participant: I didn’t know that… [inaudible]

[coughs] [clears throat]

Bart: Yeah, I can call later. A lot of people with the, uh, with the cameras off. If you guys have cameras… I know some of you do, and some of you don’t, but if you have cameras, turn the camera on, uh, so I can see all those faces, all my closers.

All right. I’m gonna go ahead and get started here ’cause we got a bunch of stuff to cover today. Um, we’ve got a really good video. I’m gonna play… It’s from Becky from Dr. Kimmel’s office, and it’s actually a situation where the patient had brought her husband and her husband ended up turn… [chuckles] turning to be a candidate as well. Um, and she just did so many good things, so many things right. Uh, I really wanted to highlight this one and kind of go through it with you guys.

Okay, so if you’re not muted, go ahead and mute. And then remember, just any questions you guys have, just type them into the, uh, [background sounds] [inaudible] chat sitting over here so I can get to them.

All right. I’ll start the video. [mouse clicking] And turn your volume up here, guys, so you can hear the audio. Okay. We’re good.

Becky: All right, great. So again, my name is Becky. Um, I’m a treatment coordinator. [crosstalk]

Woman: [inaudible] attendance. What was something that was in your…

Becky: My [inaudible] here is to…

Woman: I can show you…

Becky: [inaudible] a treatment plan that works for [inaudible]. Okay? So, ’cause we do a lot of different things, um, but it needs to work for you guys. So, in… [pause] … life, you know, what are the struggles? Then I need to know, you know, what’s your outcome? What are you, what are you hoping to do with everything and-and how do you want that to look and feel? So, tell me… Well, I’ll kind of… I just do both here, but tell me… We’re gonna start with what-what’s going on? [crosstalk]

Patient: I just wanna feel more comfortable with my smile.

Becky: Okay. Okay.

Patient: I mean, I’ve never had nice-looking teeth.

Becky: Okay.

Patient: I did the Invisalign…

Becky: Okay.

Patient: … and it didn’t-didn’t do anything. And I’ve… I have no back teeth. I’ve only got 10 up front and 10 on the bottom.

Becky: Oh no. Okay. [inaudible] hard to eat.

Patient: Well… [laughter] [inaudible] We all manage.

Becky: But you know what’s really interesting because you are… ’cause you can’t crunch anything.

Patient: Right.

Becky: So, you know, it really does play into… They-They talk about when people lose their back teeth, like higher rates of diabetes and all that. Soft foods.

Patient: Yeah.

Becky: And soft foods are always carbohydrate-rich, sugar, you know, all of that stuff. So, okay. No back molars. How long has that been going on?

Bart: Did you guys see what she just did right there? Right? So, first off, she states her intention. Did great, got right into, right into it, right? In the first thirty seconds, she’s into the call, she’s on the script. And when the patient started describing the pain points, Becky offered some insight, some actually, s-some further context into how it feels and-and what happens in that situation? That is exactly how you get into rapport really quick [snaps finger] with somebody. Right? It’s letting them know that you understand where they are and how, and-and how they feel. And any type of context that you can add, it just makes them feel like, oh geez, this person knows exactly where I am. Right? And-And also keep your eye on just the-the body language and the tonality shifts that she’s using here.

Participant: This is what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna screen record my phone.

Becky: Yes. Oh my gosh. Okay. So, yeah, how-how is that? Can you chew anything? Are you chewing it all in front?

Patient: I’m chewing it all [crosstalk] around here.

Becky: On your side. Okay.

Patient: Yeah.

Becky: That makes it hard to have to think about it.

Patient: Yep.

Becky: Have you lost any teeth? You had to, had to chew more on one side or in one area or…

Patient: Ah, no. Well, I’ve…

Participant: [inaudible]

Patient: … cavities but I haven’t had… pulled yet.

Becky: Yeah.

Patient: But I’ve got a lot of fill-ins.

Becky: Okay. Okay.

Patient: Yeah.

Becky: And [inaudible]. So, sounds mostly like you kind of got used to the unfortunate eating issue, but, um, but mainly just the, the smile and wanting to-to feel comfortable and be able to smile. Are you doing things like hiding your smile, or [crosstalk] anything like that?

Patient: Oh, all the, all the time. I never [crosstalk] open my mouth. [laughter]

Becky: That’s not fun. Oh my gosh.

Patient: He likes it. [laughter]

Becky: That’s not positive. [inaudible]

Husband: [laughter]

Becky: Aw. But I mean, you get on [inaudible]. You guys, simply, you’re traveling, you’re doing that. I mean, there’s gonna be pictures and things. I mean, do you just hide it?

Patient: Exactly. I never open up for pictures.

Becky: Oh. What seems so hard? Because you seem like a super jovial, like, fun-loving…

Patient: [inaudible] I try to be.

Becky: That’s gotta be… So, how long have you not been smiling? Just since forever?

Patient: All my life. All my life.

Becky: Oh my gosh. Oh, we got you.

Bart: You see how she’s not minimizing it here, guys? She’s acting like this is bad. You know what I mean? She’s acting a bit surprised. This is something that I see on some of the videos where you, you hear it all day long, right? You guys are always hearing this-this kind of thing. So, it’s nothing out of the ordinary for you, but it is out of the ordinary, right? To not be able to smile for your whole life is what she just said, or for ten years or fifteen years, that’s a big deal. You don’t want to… You don’t wanna minimize it. Right? It’s like, oh my God, fifteen years. Are you serious? Oh, that’s terrible. Okay. All right. Got it. You know, just make sure that they see that there-there’s some kind of a reaction there. It just helps kinda build their urgency and it helps them understand that they’re, they’re not in a normal situation, right? This is not a situation that, that we can let continue for a long period of time. This is something that needs to be taken care of now. And if you guys, the ones that see and hear this stuff every day, if you’re surprised by it and you’re concerned, they’re going to be very concerned about it, which is, which is… [crosstalk]

Participant: Yeah, that’s it. I’m gonna, I’m gonna try to [inaudible] with you.


[background sounds]

Participant: I can’t hear anything. Can’t hear anything.

Man 2: Bart, you’re on mute.

Becky: Bart?

Man 2: Bart, you’re on mute.

Becky: So now, so now my husband and I have it. I-It’s now an award. So, tell them you do something stupid… [laughter] Now, you have shoes. Like, congratulations.

Bart: Sorry guys. I’m gonna back it up ’cause I was muted. I didn’t know the video was muted when I was muted. Sorry about that. Trying to cut down on some of the background noise. Sorry about that, guys.

Patient: … open up for pictures.

Becky: Oh, what seems so hard? Because you seem like a super jovial, like, fun-loving person.

Patient: I try to be.

Becky: That’s gotta be… So how long have you not been smiling? Just since forever?

Patient: All my life. [crosstalk] All my life.

Becky: Oh my gosh. Oh, we gotta change that.

Patient: Yes.

Becky: She’s gonna win [inaudible] tomorrow. [laughter] I know it. And so we gotta get this [inaudible]

Husband: Yeah, we gotta…

Becky: She’s gonna be winning.

Husband: I know it’s gonna help.

Becky: We need her… Yeah. We need her smiling and showing up and, like… Okay, no. [crosstalk]

Husband: And she could go back on landlines.

Becky: [laughter] Then sell it. Oh my gosh. Do you know what I did the other day? This is a… totally a sign. I like… There’s this type of shoe that I like and they’re like super comfortable flats, ’cause you get to a certain age, I’m like, I’m not [crosstalk] wearing heels anymore.

Patient: Yep. Yep.

Becky: So, I go and I get this like a third the price of… whatever stuff. I was like, “I got this. Great deal. Great deal.” She sends the thing, it’s one shoe. [laughter] I didn’t read the description. It was one shoe. I thought, are you kidding me?

Husband: Wow.

Becky: And then, of course, I went and I felt like an idiot ’cause I was like, “Oh, it says it right there.”


Husband: Oh my God.

Becky: But I mean, who sells one shoe? I mean, this is like the worst thing.

Patient: [inaudible]

Becky: I know. I was like, “Oh, that’s it. I’m done with you guys.”

Bart: Now, look, Becky’s only 3 minutes and 47 seconds into the call right now. She-She’s gotten a really good idea of their current state, gauged their urgency level, continuing to build rapport, but again, she’s only 3 minutes and 47 seconds into it.

So, if you guys can get into the call right off the bat, um, you-you’re gonna be surprised where you can be after 10 minutes if you get straight to it.

Becky: Can’t… I can’t buy… [crosstalk]

Patient: I, I know. There was just a big thing on Good Morning America of scams.

Becky: Oh, yes. She… which is the beauty of it. She said it right in the thing. I’m just the idiot that didn’t read it. I thought, oh my gosh.

Husband: One shoe [inaudible]

Becky: So now, so now my husband and I have it. I-It’s now an award. So, when you do something stupid… [laughter] [inaudible] shoes. Like, congratulations, honey. Here you go. You earned your shoe there.

Patient: Oh, that’s hilarious.

Becky: Anyway. So, yes. So, she can put the purse [inaudible], but we’re gonna get you smiling.

Patient: Okay. Yeah.

Becky: How does it make you feel to hear her say that? I mean…

Husband: Well, I know ’cause we have a monument company, so we do a lot of cemetery cares.

Becky: Oh, my goodness.

Husband: A lot of them is public. Oh, yep.

Bart: That’s a perfect time, right, where you always wanna make sure if there’s a third party in the room, right when you get done with the overview on the current state, right? You’ve asked ’em what’s going on and got all their pain points and how it’s affecting them on a day-to-day level, that’s when you guys want to address the third party in the room to figure out, is this person an asset or a liability, right? Am I… Do I have somebody on my team or somebody that’s working with me or against me here? Right? So that’s the point in time where we always want to ask them, you know, “Have you noticed w-what it is that she’s saying?” Or-Or sometimes you, you know, you see things differently or y-you know, “Have you noticed a change in terms of how she smiles or anything like that?” You wanna engage them at this level and make sure you engage ’em in terms of the quality of life and the symptoms far… long before any type of a treatment or procedure is discussed. Okay? [ringtone] So, it’s a perfect time to, uh, to engage the third parties. Becky did an awesome job with that.

Husband: … so I end up doing all the talking.

Becky: And sales. I mean, yeah, you gotta have a…

Husband: So…

Becky: Okay. And you tell me, so what’s going on with your teeth?

Husband: Well, the tops are pretty much gone.

Becky: Okay. Ho–

Husband: … all swelled up.

Becky: Okay.

Husband: But then I fell down. So, this, this is a permanent…

Becky: Oh, no.

Husband: … partial.

Becky: Okay.

Husband: So, that kinda irritated everything. So that’s gotta come off.

Becky: Sure.

Husband: Well, then you’re thinking, he only offers dentures.

Becky: Okay.

Husband: And we all know that it’s not a long-term thing. So, all you’re doing is pouring money on something [inaudible]

Becky: Exac-Exactly.

Husband: I mean, from generations, that only don’t fit. I gotta go back. They’re loose.

Becky: Yeah.

Husband: So, you’re going, better way than that… [crosstalk]

Becky: A-Absolutely. And you’re so right. It is throwing good money out your bag.

Husband: Yeah.

Becky: What happens when we extract teeth is we lose bone. It’s just like, you know, a root or a tree and you know, the soil when you take it out. [crosstalk] There’s a reason they tell him to cut it up ’cause the bone goes away.

Husband: Oh, no it was last fall. You know, he took out the bottom four, had the partials ready.


Becky: Yeah.

Husband: Has some partials for the top. They feel like crap.

Becky: Yeah. Yeah.

Husband: And then after they fell down in November, you know, it’s like this moved.

Becky: Uh…

Bart: Do you guys see how she’s engaging with both of them at the same time here? You know what I mean? It takes a lot of energy to do this but she’s doing a really good job of engaging with-with both patients right here. And now they’re, they’re, they’re basically both candidates. So, it sounded like they came in together and they’re-they’re both looking for a solution. So, she’s got 4 arches sitting in front of her right now. She’s doing a really, really, really good job.

And just keep ahh… just keep an eye on the tonality. That’s the biggest thing. You know what I mean? Between influencing and talking, is the tonality change, and-and the change in your, your body language and your expression, and genuinely, like, talking to them, providing context. She’s-She’s just doing a really, really good job here assessing both parties and-and building rapport and, um, just trying to determine urgency.

Husband: [inaudible] ’cause you broke your eye socket.

Becky: Oh God.

Husband: So just… You know, it’s something when you, [inaudible] get it all the time, you’re going, “This is bad.” [inaudible] after that, the molars irritated, so that you’re going like, “[inaudible] the fall?

Becky: Yes.

Husband: And then here we are still not even into this year very well, and you’ve got all these teeth that gotta come out.

Becky: Yeah. Yeah.

Husband: Right. I-I’m not so concerned that we should get something going with… The bottom teeth feel strong. I’m missing some molars in the back.

Becky: Yeah.

Husband: But the four upfront definitely need to be… [crosstalk] something done.

Becky: Replaced. Yeah.

Husband: And the whole top, for sure.

Becky: Yeah.

Husband: ’cause I know once they take this out… You know, that was 20 years ago, they replaced that after a car accident. I was 18. [inaudible] money is spent on matter, right?

Becky: Oh, I know.

Husband: They’re going, “We do something there.”

Becky: Exactly. That may not last…

Husband: No, no.

Becky: … not very long either. I mean, you know, once you have that shifting going on… And-And, you know, in a way having a partial has been sort of a gift [music playing] because you know, ’cause even having a, a renewable partial, that’s still a thousand times better than full dentures.

Husband: Oh yeah.

[music playing]

Becky: So, you kinda get a pure white. [inaudible] once you’re caring for the teeth. So…

Husband: Oh yeah. It just… It’s like I just keep doing the wrong thing, [crosstalk] it’s gonna happen.

Becky: I… And you get tired.

Husband: Well…

Becky: And the money…

Husband: [inaudible]. You’re in the chair, you’re thinking, he was gonna pull two teeth here and there. So I’m thinking three or four. [inaudible]

Bart: [clears throat] The best part about this is she’s doing a really good job prompting them to continue speaking, right? She’s more offering up comments to support their current position and allowing them to further elaborate. And guys, that’s what it’s all about, right? The whole, um, the whole strategy for this entire sales process is to allow the patients to sell themselves, right? If they sell themselves, we don’t have to, I don’t have to tell ’em that they need to do something. If they talk enough about how bad it is, all of a sudden doing nothing doesn’t make any sense. And it’s not our di-, our idea, pushing it on ’em.

So, when you have somebody going, you wanna offer in comments basically supporting their position and allow for further elaboration, right? So, we’re-we’re agreeing, but we’re almost just telling ’em, yeah, I see your point of view, and offering up points, and they’re just going to continue speaking. As long as they’re speaking in that straight line towards the close, let ’em keep going, ’cause the more times they say it, the higher the level of their es-escalation of commitment is going to be. Right? They’re saying, “Yeah, this is bad. Yeah, I don’t want this. Yeah, I don’t want that. Yeah, I don’t want that.” They’re not gonna go back at the end and say, “Hey, I want this.” Does that make sense? And if they do, it’s really easy to change the frame on it, um, to where they’re, they’re not going to be able to reconcile it.

Becky: Oh my gosh.

Husband: [inaudible]. I need a partial [inaudible]

Becky: No, you can’t eat with that either, with…

Husband: Well, then I told her, “I, I think it’s time we go look at something more [crosstalk] permanent.”

Becky: Yeah. Yeah.

Patient: He did a partial for me, and it was like so big and bulky. I wore it home, and I never put it in my mouth again.

Becky: Isn’t it like…

Patient: It was like a horse bridle.

Becky: And it’s so hard.

Patient: It was so huge and metal.

Becky: Oh. And they, and they wear the teeth then. So, it’s like…

Patient: Yeah.

Becky: You know, you already have missing teeth, there’s snugging onto the other ones and rocking and then, uh… No. I know. I know. Well, okay. Sounds like we’ve had enough of current dental issues. You’re tired of throwing good money after bad, wanting something, you know, more permanent. You can’t either smile. How’s your chewing?

Husband: [inaudible]

Becky. Yeah, oh my God.

Husband: You-You need to understand. Both are upfront…

Becky: I know. I know

Husband: … and then, of course, you could use some [inaudible] on but it flared out.

Becky: Yes.

Husband: Well, then on March 1st, you get two more teeth pulled out. Well, he thinks about what we’re gonna do upfront, ”cause that’s got an infection.

Becky: Yeah. Yeah.

Husband: You’re thinking, while you’re sitting here screwing around, I’m going to do something.

Becky: Exactly.

Husband: Start moving forward because…

Becky: Absolutely.

Husband: We did talk about it today. Yeah, let’s get the [crosstalk] two molars done.

Becky: Yeah. Yeah. Well, we’ll…

Husband: [inaudible] work on that but…

Becky: Well, we’ll talk about that ’cause you might not need to do that. Like, I mean, again, we do everything in one fell swoop. We’ll talk more about that.

Husband: Yeah.

Becky: But I mean, again, let’s stop throwing good money…

Husband: Yeah.

Becky: … after bad, okay? Um, okay. So, thank you for kind of telling me what’s going on right now.

Bart: When she said, let’s stop throwing good money after bad, that’s basically what the guy was saying the whole time. So again, she’s just telling these people, she sees exactly what they see, she knows where they are, and, uh… And I think she’s in fabulous rapport. And it’s not that easy to-to get into rapport when you’re dealing with two parties. The two parties seem to be very much so on the same page, dealing with some similar issues. Um, but, you know, just a really great job. You can tell that she’s on the script. We’re still only eight minutes into the video, so not even through the first ten. And obviously, it’s going to take longer because it’s basically two consultations in one. Right? She has to get the current state for both people right now, uh, before she gets a future state. So, she’s still really, very, very much on time. This is kind of a two-for-one situation but doing great. I hope you guys are just taking notes in terms of the body language, the to-, the tonality, and just the overall delivery to get people talking and opening up, and to just continue, um, to get them to sell themselves, really.

Becky: So, tell me, in a perfect world, like, what-what does the outcome look like for you? Where do you, where do you see yourself? What do you want? What are your, like, must haves?

Husband: Well, a good ribeye would be useful. [laughter]

Becky: Wouldn’t that be nice? I know.

Husband: When you gotta start shying away from my ribeye… Like, you get around those. You eat your pasta, noodles, or something softer.

Becky: I know.

Husband: [inaudible] chicken.

Becky: I know. And you’re living things on your plate ’cause you have to go slow. [crosstalk]

Husband: Oh yeah, [crosstalk] oh yeah. I’ve [inaudible] all done before.

Becky: I’ve… I tell my [inaudible] yesterday. Exactly. And she’s like, you know, I have this delicious food and everything like that, and always taking things home or leaving it there cause you have to slowly than everybody else.

Husband: Yeah.

Becky: Yeah. So, so, to eat the chicken, it was the function.

Husband: Oh yeah.

Becky: Just being able to have what it was like when you had…

Husband: Yeah.

Becky: … functional teeth where you’re not worrying about eating on one side and all of that.

Husband: And even now, I mean, you… Now I… From here, two o’clock, I gotta take some aspirin.

Becky: Oh gosh.

Husband: [inaudible]

Becky: Yes.

Husband: You can take [inaudible] aspirin. I didn’t take any aspirin today. But when we got here…

Becky: Yeah.

Husband: … oh yeah, you could tell it was off.

Becky: Yeah. When you get that infection, yeah, it flares up.

Husband: [inaudible]

Becky: And then how are you taking… You know, I mean, it helps briefly but it doesn’t… [crosstalk]

Husband: You know, you know.

Becky: I mean, you gotta, you gotta deal with the source, you know?

Husband: That’s just the kind of days where that’s gonna be done sharply.

Bart: Again, she just continues to relate, right? She’s just adding supportive, supportive content to everything that they’re saying. So she’s like, “Yeah, that-that’s right, that’s right, that’s right, that’s right.” That’s getting into rapport, guys. It’s just creating that feeling of commonality, and commonality is created by understanding where they are. So, it’s going, it’s going great. She’s just trying to get to the point where she’s helping them create the vision now. Right? Now, we-we have to kind of get them off of the pain. We know where they are, we know their urgency is high. We’ve gotta get them more into the future state now.

Husband: Still gotta go between now and March 1st.

Becky: Until… Yeah.

Husband: And you’re thinking… Once you think the infection will come back, it’s almost like, why are you giving me anything?

Becky: Anything to… Not just to…

Husband: You know? So…

Becky: … yeah, do something like…

Husband: Yeah. He was in the last Thursday, and he really did is look down and did the thing again. [exhales] [inaudible] I go back home and I’m thinking, pain [inaudible] do something ’cause it’s-it’s like… [crosstalk]

Becky: Who wants it in a wash visit?

Husband: Yeah.

Becky: [inaudible] things for… things should be [inaudible]

Husband: So…

Becky: [inaudible] Yeah.

Husband: [inaudible] and then you think, it hasn’t done a damn thing. [inaudible]

Becky: Yeah. Yeah. Well, it sounds like you guys are at the right point. I mean, you’ve gotta… you know. I’ve seen how much you’ve been struggling…. what you’ve been, you’ve been doing. So, you have been dealing with this for a long time. So, so what was the straw that broke the camel’s back for you? Listen, it-it sounds to me like for you, it was, this doc… It’s just been like we’re just…

Husband: He’s just [inaudible]

Becky: Yeah. [inaudible] teeth left.

Husband: [inaudible] You don’t have enough teeth and you get a cheap set of dentures [inaudible]

Becky: Exactly. And then you’re gonna lose the bone, and then you…

Bart: Does this sound familiar, guys? She’s like following the script perfectly, right? There’s no wonder why th-these guys… why Becky closes between 50 and 60 arches a month. Between 50 and 60 arches a month right here. You can see why. You know what I mean? But there, but-but there is a process. She’s hitting all of the anchors, um, on the first ten scripts. All of them. She’s just like… It’s going great.

Becky: You’ll be a candidate for implants later, so…

Husband: Yeah, so it’s like…

Becky: … good-good-good timing for you guys. Yeah.

Husband: [inaudible] feeling stuck at some place and where you could do something.

Becky: Yeah, exactly. Exactly.

Husband: [inaudible] your own, they’re all gonna start right away with works on your bone and then you have nothing left.

Becky: Exactly. Exactly.

Husband: I told her, it’s cheapest. It’s not hard to figure out what’s going on here. It’s just a slow nickel and dime of yourself.

Becky: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Husband: You know, 4 molars… want to crown them all? I said, “No.” Well, of those 4, 3 of them are gonna get holes within a year… [crosstalk]

Becky: And you would have spent…

Husband: … within a year. $1500 [inaudible]

Becky: You would have spent fifteen, fifteen, [crosstalk] fifteen, fifteen. Absolutely.

Husband: My God. Yeah. This just goes on and on.

Becky: Yeah. Well, you know, it-it demonstrates that has been kind of the old school of thought. They’re just like, let’s save the teeth. Save the teeth at all cost.

Husband: Yeah.

Becky: And every day I talk to patients that are like, “Listen, I’ve been saving these things. I can’t do anything else for them anymore. And I’m tired of spending all this money.”

Husband: Yeah.

Becky: You know? And I want [crosstalk] a long-time solution.

Husband: [inaudible] You know, she’s getting up to 64, 65 coming around the corner. I’m 67 years old. We’ll get something that maybe hold off just for the next 20, 25…

Becky: Absolutely, absolutely.

Husband: … without always going back into the dentist to solve an issue.

Becky: Absolutely. Well, yeah, and you guys have your own business. I mean, at some point, you probably want to retire and deal with that stuff too. I mean, you get to a point where you’re like, “All right, let’s do it while I’m still working and can pay for this, get this done, and then…”

Husband: Yeah.

Becky: Yeah.

Husband: Yes.

Becky: It’s like, have a, have a solution. Okay. So that, that helps. I mean, for you, I know it’s ten out of ten aesthetics…

Patient: Yeah.

Becky: … and function.

Patient: Yeah.

Becky: And for you, it’s, you know, basically function and it’s long-term solution.

Bart: You see, Becky had that time clock going off in her head. You could see we started… it started getting a little bit redundant, where he’s just continuing to talk about the current state, current state. Sooner or later you have to kind of cut it off, you-you have to transition. ‘Cause she’s got the… She has the data that she needs from them, right? He said it over and over. And the, and the man obviously talks a lot more than, than the woman talks. So, he’s been, he’s been going on and on. But once you have what you need, you gotta cut it off and you gotta transition, right? We have to get the other part of this. That’s the part that everybody struggles with.

Uh, uh, most of you guys do a really good job on getting the pain points and how it’s affecting them. We kinda struggle, tend to struggle with the transition to, um, creating the vision and making sure that the patient understands, right, that the vision is the most important thing, because although you-you-you’re probably going to be a candidate for all different types of treatments, all of those different treatments, they all have different outcomes. So, it’s not like, hey, you’re only a candidate for one treatment. That’s probably not going to be the case. You’re probably gonna have options from a clinical standpoint, but all of those options have a different outcome, so the most important thing for us to really pinpoint is what outcome is ideal for you. That’s what I wanna talk about right now. That way I can make sure we get treatment, but we’re not giving you just because you are a candidate, we’re going to give you the treatment because it’s going to give you the outcome that you want the most. That make sense? Okay, cool. Let’s go and talk about this. Boom, boom, boom.

But I want you guys to make sure they connect the dots there. That’s a… It’s a very, very, very important point, that it doesn’t matter what you are a candidate for. It doesn’t matter. Most of these people, they’re candidates for dentures, they’re candidates for removals, they’re candidates for fixed. There are candidates for… You’re a candidate if you wanna put one implant for every tooth and crown them all. You’re a candidate, right? Clinically, it can be done for most of them. My point is it doesn’t matter what you’re a candidate for, right? It matters what outcome do you want because you’re probably a candidate for a lot of different things, right?

We could easily put you in a treatment that, clinically, you’re a candidate for it, but if it gives you an outcome you’re not happy with, what’s the point? So, let’s talk about the outcome that you want, and then after we see the doctor, we’re gonna know if you’re a candidate for that… for the treatment to give you that particular outcome. That’s the… You want them to connect those dots in the first ten, that’s the most important thing, because they-they can’t see the treatment as what it is that they’re purchasing. They have to see the treatment as the pathway to get what it is that they’re purchasing. Does that make sense?

And you have to tell them, listen, there is not two treatments that have the same outcome. It doesn’t exist. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have two treatments. So, every single treatment is going to give you a different outcome. There’s pros and cons to all of them. So, let’s identify what the exact outcome that you want is, then we’ll know, hey, to go from here, your current state, to here, the desired state, this is the treatment plan that’s gonna get you there the fastest in the mo-, in the most efficient manner possible, right here, this is how we’re gonna do it. Make sense? And then you move on.

I want you guys are really focused on making that point, because sometimes we go through the first ten, we go through the second ten, it’s kind of a conversation, but I-I can see with the videos that they didn’t necessarily connect the dots there, that they’re a candidate for a lot of different things, and that’s irrelevant, right? That’s why I don’t like to present two, three, four different options to patients because it’s irrelevant, ’cause you don’t have four options that are gonna get the same outcome, right? So, if they’re a candidate for all these different implant procedures, the question is, what outcome do they want? And we treat and plan ’em for that, right? If they want a 10 out of 10 in terms of function, 10 out of 10 in terms of aesthetics, and 10 out of 10 in terms of low maintenance and-and longevity, why would we talk about a removable? Why? Yeah, they’re a candidate but doesn’t give them what they want. Why waste time talking about something that the patient doesn’t want? It doesn’t make any sense. It doesn’t matter clinically if they’re a candidate for it. Okay? Make sure that you guys connect those dots. Really kind of work on that-that-that thought process with the patient.

Becky: [inaudible] You don’t want to be going there all the time. Okay. Okay. So that’s… Well, the g-, the good news is, is you have come to the right place. Um, Dr, Kimmel does more full arch, full mouth implant treatments than anybody in the Midwest. We have two full mouth surgeries every single day. So that means two things: one, you’re gonna get the best surgical prosthetics skills, but also because we do it so much, we get large savings from implant companies, all of that, so we pass that on to patients. So, you’re gonna get the best pricing. So, I mean, people coming here with, you know, all sorts of treatment plans and [inaudible] with more services and everything. So, we’ll talk more about that.

So, um, sounds like you’ve probably already done some research on maybe implants, and all that. Um, just gonna give you like a super cursory overview of what we offer here just so you kind of have a, have a context of things, and then we’ll talk about that. So, in dentistry, there’s really only two ways that you can fix things, okay? There’s removable solutions, which you both have already tried with the, you know, partials and all that, or fixed solutions; things that don’t come in and out of the mouth.

Husband: Right.

Becky: Okay? Um, so, with regard to what we offer from a removable standpoint, there’s really only two implants solutions. Um, o-one, for removal, there’s dentures on the removable side that we just…

Bart: I’m just gonna let you know, guys, right now, I’m in the, I’m in the process of just altering the, uh, the first ten script. It’s gonna be in the new videos that’s coming out, um, on the learning portal. But I think it’s going to get… I think it’s gonna be better for the first ten if we just completely remove that patient education part, where we’re going through and talking about dentures, removable and fixed because it’s just getting people in hot water, um, because at the end of the day, right, in the first ten, the most important thing for us to know is where they are and where there… and-and where they want to be, right? And then the patient needs to know that they have… that they’re gonna have options based on what they’re a candidate for. Or we’re gonna treat ’em and plan ’em based on where they want to be.

Once we start going through the treatments, what-what I’m seeing, what I’m noticing, is that we’re switching their brain from the outcome back to the treatments. And that’s the whole purpose of the first ten, is to get them out of that. The reason why I-I-I put it in there originally is to fish for price obj-, uh, for price objections, right? ’cause I want them to say, “Well, how much is this, and how much is that?” So that we can pre-qualify and triage them. That was the only purpose. But I think what it’s, what it’s been doing is it’s been hurting a little bit because I feel like the patient’s mindset is starting to switch.

Like you have it great. She’s got them great, right? They’re focused on the problem and the outcome. Problem and the outcome. They shouldn’t be worried about the treatment. The treatment’s are our responsibility, not theirs. Once we start going through the treatment, they start looking at the treatment, asking question about treatments, thinking about price about the treatments. And now all of a sudden, they’ve got other things in their heads that aren’t necessarily important, right?

So, I’m gonna be taking out the patient education portion because I think there’s a lot of that, that we can go through in the second ten, but ideally, we wanna keep it as simple as possible. These people, they already have removables. Why discuss it? They don’t like it. If they didn’t like it, they wouldn’t be here, so why go through it? Does that make sense? They don’t want a partial. They don’t want a snap-in and a snap-out. That’s not why they’re there. And if they opt for it, do you know why they’re gonna opt for it when we go through it? Money. That’s the only reason why they would opt for it, ’cause everything that they’re saying is-is suggesting that they are certainly candidates and they, and they want something that’s gonna be a fixed solution, you know?

Now, if budget and money becomes a concern, then we can triage that and address it. But at the end of the day, your job… you’ve done your job. If you are in rapport, you know where they are, you build the urgency, and you know where they want to be, and that patient knows that the… it’s the doctor’s job to tell them how to get from point A to point B with the treatment, then you’ve done your job. You’ve absolutely done your job. The next job is just to prepare the doctor, um, and-and… prepare the doctor with that one-pager, right, that you fill out right after the first ten. If all that is done, you’re gonna be in great shape. This is getting people out of hot water. I’m gonna take it out because I don’t think it’s necessary.

Becky: Don’t… from the reasons that we talked about…

Bart: You’ll see what I’m talking about here.

Becky: [inaudible] use foam, everybody hates them. The first [inaudible] and then you’re constantly… like tons of maintenance. We don’t even do traditional dentures. We do offer a removable overdenture. Uh, so that’s secured, um, for implants usually. And you can take it in and out. It looks nice, you know. You can chew more than you would with regular dentures. Um, you know, it’s made out of acrylics so you can have ’em on maintenance and you have to bring the-the teeth more often. Um, but it’s an option and it’s a world of difference from traditional dentures, okay? So, it’s a definite step-up from there, okay? So, that’s a removable, um, where a lot of patients that have those and really enjoy them.

Husband: Okay.

Becky: Or you have a fixed solution, which kind of sounds to me like the area that you guys are talking about. It-It is the most life-like, most natural, closest thing we have to really functional beautiful teeth.

Uhm, we use a series of implants where we place 6 on the lower, 6 on the upper, usually. Most places are only gonna do 4 implants, and we always do a minimum of 6 if we can. Sometimes patients don’t have the bone for that, but usually if we can do it, we’re gonna give you more. We don’t charge by the implant, we-we have a package plan for the patients. We want you to have a, a better solution. So, we-we do it the right way.

Um, we have a couple of different ways to build, um, those implants that we give. We have, um, different… basically just different types of teeth, so it’s sort of like good, better, best option of things. So, the removable snap and it’s like good. We have PMMA teeth, and then we have Zirconia teeth. Okay? Um, and you can get them in different colors. This one has a more natural [inaudible] color, you know, versus like bleach white or something. So, don’t do this. People are like, do they have Zirconia? I say, “No, no, no. [inaudible] [laughter] It’s just a material. Let’s focus on the material.”

So, um, Zirconias is the top of the line. That’s the longest lasting, most durable, aesthetic, beautiful functional solution that you can get. Um, Zirconia is, um, the hardest substance that we have in dentistry. So, chip resistant, stain resistant, looks and feels most like, like natural teeth.

PMMA is a really nice, beautiful aesthetics as well, but it’s a lighter-weight material. It’s more porous, so it’s going to have, over time, more staining and wearing, okay? You have more maintenance with this, and we have options for that, or you can kind of have a one-and-done essential. So, um, and we have patients that do all kinds of… You know, this is, this is where it comes down to the treatment you want, the treatment you need and-and what you can afford. So, we have options from all of those.

Um, just b-before getting into anything and having Dr. Mike come in, any preferences, any initial thoughts on, you know, what you’re thinking? Removable? Fixed?

Husband: Well, you know, I think you said cost. We got two sets that we’re kind of… [crosstalk]

Becky: Yeah, exac– I mean, you get… you got two, two people [inaudible] again.

Husband: [inaudible] options in there. So, I’m hoping to have those four removables…

Becky: Yeah. Yeah.

Husband: … because that’s a whole lot better than where I am and it’s [crosstalk] a whole lot better, just like you said, steps.

Becky: Absolutely. Absolutely.

Husband: So, dentures. This is a denture?

Becky. Yeah, yeah.

Husband: This would float around all the time. No.

Becky. Absolutely.

Husband: So, I’ll be open [inaudible] denture.

Becky: Okay.

Bart: You see what, you see what happened right there? So, we go through ’em, she did an amazing job, right, on that whole patient education section… was great. When you ask the patient, you know, said… you have an idea like what you’re thinking, um, again, we’re gonna, we’re gonna try to completely eliminate language like that ”cause I don’t want the patient to think about it. I wanna tell the patient what to do, right? Based on where they are and where they want to be, I’ll tell them what to do, right? We’ll create the treatment plan for you. You don’t have to think, you don’t have to make up your mind, you don’t have to do any of that, right?

Now, we bring this up, and all of a sudden, he completely forgets about everything that he just said about the outcome that he wants. He had a partial, he doesn’t like it, right? His biggest thing… He wants to be able to eat a ribeye. His function was his number one thing, right? So, having teeth that are solid, that he can bite, chew, speak, and it feels as, as close to natural healthy teeth as possible. That’s screaming “fixed, fixed, fixed.” The second you start bringing it up, right? When you start going, features and benefits, all of a sudden, the Zirconia, it sounds expensive to him. It just sounds expensive, and he doesn’t know what the price is yet. He doesn’t know what the price… of any of them yet. But he’s already said, “Well, since we got to get two, right, I’m open to a removable ’cause it’s better than where I am,” right? And yeah, it is, but now we know price, we know price is, um, price is a concern. He’s just told us that, right?

So, what do we wanna do now that we know price is a concern? We wanna, we-we want to what? We wanna figure out what number is in their head, right, if we can. We wanna try to qualify now. That’s the whole point of this. You’re bringing up the treatments. We’re doing this not to really educate the patient, we’re doing it to fish for exactly what we just got. Right? So, we don’t go into the second ten, we don’t go into the third ten with a, you know, a treatment plan for 55,000 for each of them, right, when their budget total is 40 or 50, right?

So, let’s see what happens next. But again, you can see once you start getting into the treatments, their brain is gonna immediately switch to money. Immediately. Immediately. And then we have to kinda recreate it back in the second ten. That’s why we’re, that’s why we’re going to eliminate the patient education portion is… moving forward. It works really well to get price objections, but I think the collateral damage of switching their focus after we’ve done all of that hard work, I think it’s too high. I think at the end of the day, if price is their number one concern, they’ll tell you even without this. That’s what I’m noticing.

Husband: But when we move into the next year, then you don’t have as much maintenance either. So…

Becky: You don’t. Yeah.

Husband: … in appearance-wise, probably a little bit better. And of course you get to the top, top tier, which is always gonna be more expensive…

Becky: Yeah.

Husband: … but then you’re not, you’re not here all the time. [inaudible]

Becky: Absolutely. And the good news is, is you can… you’ll actually [inaudible] solutions. So like, if you say, “You know what, I’m gonna start with the PMMA teeth,” this infrastructure is still the same. So, you’re still getting the six implants. We’re holding the bone, um… [crosstalk] all that stuff.

Husband: Oh, so it’s just, it’s just teeth at that point because the implant…

Becky: Exactly. Exactly.

Husband: … is gonna be workable.

Becky: Exactly. And you can wear those for a bit and then upgrade or you can start out immediately. So, we-we’ll go through that. [crosstalk] We’ll kind of talk through things. Okay?

Husband: Okay. Sure.

Becky: What’s your… What do you think?

Patient: I was thinking the same thing as far as s removable, yeah, you know, for now,

Bart: But they’re not thinking removable, they’re thinking money. Does that make sense, guys? They’re not thinking removable. They don’t want removable ’cause they want removable. They don’t want removable because of the outcome it’s going to give them. They want removable because they think that’s the cheapest solution that’s gonna be better than what they have with the partial and the denture. That’s it. It’s 100% about money. So, if it’s 100% about money, what’s the question that needs to be asked? Right? It sounds like maybe you have a dollar in your head that you’re trying to stay within. It sounds like you guys have done some research and you’ve done some planning already. Right? Give me an idea. What are you trying to stay within in terms of, of a, of a budget? Or at least a dollar that you don’t wanna go over. And qualify ’em. Go ahead and qualify ’em right here. You know what I mean? I would love to see that because if they’re telling you, hey, it’s money, money, money…

And whenever anybody comes in and they elect, and they tell you, “I want implant-supported for the dentures, 100% of the time, it’s because it’s money. Nobody ever wants that instead of fixed. You just don’t. You know what I mean? If 100% of the time they’re telling you that they want the cheapest solution to eliminate the-the current pain point that they’re experiencing, so that is a money objection. So, you wanna know where they are and what they’re thinking before the second ten so you can obviously let the doctor know. Um…

Becky: Bart?

Bart: Yes, ma’am.

Becky: It’s Becky. I just have a quick question on that, ’cause… you know. And I have kind of switched it up since then, um, where I’m giving kind of a cursory education and I’m not going into, you know, super detailed. It’s basically just for them to get the sense of removable or fixed. So, then that’s when I do the, you know, any strong feelings? Removable or fixed? And then I can kind of get a sense, ”cause a lot of people aren’t a candidate for removable as well.

So, um, but I do have a question on a nut– I do struggle with this, too, even jumping into… So, it sounds like you kind of have a budget in mind, why don’t you just, you know, [crosstalk] sharing with me? Is it something…

Bart: Hold on, Becky. Real quick, real quick. Real quick, Becky. Let me just address that real quick, because asking them, hey, what are you thinking one way or another? Like removable or fixed? That is the way that we fish for a financial objection, because at the end of the day, the reality is based on the clinical outcome they want, they’ve all… I already know, right?

Becky: Right.

Bart: That is… That’s what tells me. If I am trying to triage, right, or I think finances is the problem, that’s where you get into, like, have you decided fixed or, or removable, or… You start going through treatments because we’re fishing because we don’t necessarily think that they’re gonna be financially profiled. We’re not gonna bring that up. But at the end of the day, based on the outcome they want, they’ve already self-selected. Because if they select a ten out of ten, and function, aesthetics, and maintenance, removable is out anyway. So, who cares? Like, now if they say they want removable, they’re just completely contradicting that clinical outcome, and we have to reconcile those two things. So, we don’t need to ask the question to figure out what they’re a candidate for. That’s-That’s what the clinical… That’s what the future state and the vision is for.

Becky: So, do you… So, when we get to that conversation about, you know, do you have something in mind… I… You know, I know we have a lot of people obviously that are second opinions, they’re coming in, they’ve already been at ClearChoice. They know it’s 50, 60, 75. I have other people though that honestly, like these two, that haven’t been anywhere else except their hometown. Dennis is patchworking, everything like that. I don’t know that… You know, we’ve tried to build some of the value, but I don’t think they even have a frame of reference.

So, I mean, obviously, I know when you talk about like, “Do you have a number you want to stay in mind, you wanna… You know, are you thinking 10, 20, 30 per arch? Like, what are you thinking?” So, what I found when I asked that question is a lot of people are like, “Well, I mean, I can’t… I don’t really know.” You know? And so that’s the only hard part, is then that gets derailed, and then I haven’t had the time with Dr. Mike to come in, to kind of build that value, if that makes sense. And so sometimes, just getting into that… Obviously, I get the triaging something. It’s just sometimes it’s a challenge for me because I’m like, I… ‘Cause I’ve had that where I have people where, you know, I think, no, there’s… money is not a problem, and it’s a problem. I have people that money seems like it’s a problem and it’s not a problem.

And so I-I’d struggle with not building the value and having to meet Dr. Mike and kind of talk about things and showing them. You know, again, like the infection, and all that stuff when we put the CBCT scan up. So, how do you, how do you reconcile that, you know, right away, when somebody tells you… Are you just kind of putting that as a, as a reference? I don’t wanna invite… I-I don’t… I know you’re awesome at it, but like, getting into the minutia of, hey, this solution wor– This one cost this, and this one cost this… that, ’cause I don’t know that I’ve even built the value yet, and I don’t know if they’re like, as I go, if [inaudible]. How do you deal with that?

Bart: All right. I think that’s… I think that’s the point of altering the patient education portion.

Becky: Yeah. Yeah, I agree.

Bart: [inaudible] Because based on how this first ten went, us even bringing up implant-supported dentures puts us in a bad spot, right? Because we are now talking about something that disagrees with the clinical outcome that they said they want. And you started off the call by saying, “Hey, my job is to figure out where you are and where you want to be, and we’re gonna create a treatment plan to get you there.” So, if the treatment plan doesn’t get us there, why are we talking about it, right?

Becky: Right, right.

Bart: ’cause if… The patient has to assume if we’re talking about it, that it’s going to get them want ’cause they had just told us what they want. And I think that’s where the main confusion comes from. And that’s why they go, “Hey, I’ll elect this one because, obviously, it’s a good outcome. You told me that you have a lot of patients that have opted for this outcome, and they’d really liked it. And clearly, that’s gonna be less, and we already know it’s gonna be a lot ’cause there’s two of us, and…” They’re just doing, they’re-they’re walking through it in their mind, right, with you. But the point is, it doesn’t matter about implant-supported dentures ’cause it’s not gonna get them what they want.

So, what it means, in this situation, right, in most situations, I think if you get… ‘Cause it was picture-perfect, Becky. It was picture-perfect, right? And now we got a situation like, “Hey, I’m gonna opt for this.” But now we have to kind of go back and say, “Well, listen, based on everything that you told me that you wanted, implant-supported dentures… You said function is your number one thing, right? Implant-supported dentures, right, the removable, well, it’s not gonna give you the function that you want for the ribeye, not at anywhere near the level of fixed teeth, right?” If that’s true, why do we bring it up? And-And that’s because when we created this script, we were just so concerned with triaging and trying to get any kind of financial objection out of the patient, uh, in the first ten, so that if they’re not financially qualified, they didn’t get to the doctor, and we didn’t waste a bunch of time. But based on where it’s going, I think it’s c-creating a situation that becomes a little bit more difficult for you guys. Because you do such a great job of focusing on the outcome, then what’s there on the outcome? Now we go to the treatments. Almost like, “Here is our options, you pick. What do you think?” And that just disagrees with the entire premise of that… the… solving the equation. That middle part of the equation is for us to decide, not for the patient to decide. You give me, right, X and Z and I give you Y. And then if there’s a problem financially with Y, well, we can roll it back at that point to financing or we can roll it back to changing the type of teeth, or we can roll it back to removable, but we need to start here and-and-and we-we have to have an equation that is proved, if that makes sense.

So, you didn’t do anything wrong. And in that situation, the only thing you can do, right, because now you have a financial… You don’t have a financial objection because you don’t know what they’re thinking. But I would just say, “Hey, you know, it sounds like you guys have already done a little bit of research and you might already know some of the price in here. Um, but give me an idea. You know, maybe you don’t have a-a budget that you’re looking at to stay within, but maybe you have a number that you would like to not exceed. Right? Between the two, is there a number that you would like to not exceed? Like, for instance, Hey, I would like to not exceed 50,000 or 40,000 or 30,000. Just kind of give me an idea in terms of what you’re thinking.” And I would just throw up those big numbers, 50, 40, 30, and just look at ’em, right? And just gauge their initial knee-jerk response. ‘Cause when you-you’re in really good rapport, you don’t even need an answer, you just need to throw out an option, especially big numbers, and you just see how they respond to it. And you’re gonna know if you’re close or not. And then, you know, you kind of get into it from there.

Um, but with these guys, and with most of them, like I said, I’m gonna completely take out the patient education part of it because why go… Again, it’s a straight line, why go through implant-supported dentures if we’ve already… If the patient himself has ruled that out as far as an option, why mess with it? Why talk about dentures? Why? And if we start talking about the treatment in the first ten, we’re inevitably gonna get into the situation about cost, and we don’t wanna, we don’t wanna steal that thunder from the doctor. I want the doctor to go, “Hey, I spoke with Becky. I know where you are. I know where you wanna be.” Boom, boom boom. They get into rapport, and go, “You know what? Based on everything that I’m seeing, I think you’re a perfect candidate for this. I know exactly how I would address this treatment to get you everything that you want. Let’s go through it. Here’s how I would do it.” Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. It’s one recommendation, it’s one treatment, and let the financial objection come out at that point if it’s gonna come. And if it comes out at that point, we’ll handle it right there with the doctor, straight up. And you gotta handle it the same exact way, you know?

But the whole point is, I don’t want the patient to dictate their treatment, number one and number two. It doesn’t matter what treatment they want ’cause they don’t know anything, right? [chuckles] Who cares what they want? If I ask them what they want, their brain’s gonna immediately switch to price. And now I gotta go through and do all that work again to switch ’em back to the outcome. They-They can’t look at the treatment as what they’re paying for. They have to look at the outcome. And what just happened here in this particular call, the way it’s presented, the patient told you the outcome they wanted, you told them there’s three different ways to do it: good, better, best. They automatically connect the dots that good, better, best all gets them the outcome. [clears throat] And the difference, although there is a difference, the difference is small. That’s what he’s saying. Like, yeah, you’re gonna have better when you have the-the top one, it’s gonna be a little bit better, but we’ll start here. So, he’s saying like that’s gonna get me, you know, the majority of the way, the where I want to be, which isn’t necessarily true.

You guys have a-any… Anybody else have any questions on that? Let’s see. Someone said, “Money is dictating treatment in most cases. It shouldn’t. Money should not dictate treatment. It shouldn’t.” Well, the only thing that dictates treatment is where they are right now, what they’re a candidate for, clinically, and what they want.
That dictates treatment. If there is a money… That dictates your recommendation, guys. That’s your recommendation. If there’s a financial objection, right, or an obstacle that we can’t overcome with financing, then we can change the treatment only after we change the expectation for the outcome. That’s it. Like it doesn’t matter to me what the treatment is or how much money it is, what matters is that the treatment matches the outcome that I’m selling. And I’m always selling the outcome.

So, if I’m selling the outcome, the patient’s like, “Yeah. Hey, I want this, this, and this.” “Here’s the treatment that’s gonna get you that.” “Oh, I can’t afford it.” “Okay. What can you afford?” “I can do something like this, this, and this.” Okay. I have to reframe the outcome. Right? You’ve got to reframe the outcome, otherwise, they’re not gonna hear you, and you’re gonna have a patient that’s a problem. You’re gonna have one of those situations where you bend over backwards for the patient, and you do everything that you can do to make this seem overly affordable for him. And then they’re gonna come and they’re gonna complain about the midline. Right? They’re still gonna expect the best of the best of the best, even though they told you they couldn’t afford the best. You had to break it, you had to move them down to an implant-supported denture, and they’re expecting the implant-supported denture to be Zirconia. That’s what they’re gonna do. Right? They’re not going to hear you. So, you have to make sure you’re very careful, right, about saying, it doesn’t matter to me. What the treatment is, it doesn’t matter.

At the end of the day, there’s a lot of treatments that are gonna move you in the right direction. But every single treatment has a different outcome, with a different price. So, you go from here to here, it’s not just a difference in the price, there is a material difference in the clinical outcome and the quality of life you’re going to experience. So it’s important for you to know this first, then I’ll back it down. And also know that all of these are moving you in the right direction. And just because we can’t get to the, the outcome that you want immediately doesn’t mean we can’t get there. Some people get there in a week, some people get there in 6 months, some people get there in a year, some people 2 or 3 years. But you’re not gonna sit in the same situation and continue to suffer.

So, we’re gonna move you ahead down the line, and finance is important. You know what I mean? But you have to always go back to sell the outcome, otherwise, you have an equation that’s like, hey, 5 plus 5 equals 15. Right? Because they still see… they still have the clinical outcome in their head that they told you in the first ten. But we changed that treatment plan that was a ten, we changed it to a five, because of money. Now it’s 5 plus 5 equals 15, and that-that-that doesn’t work. So, if you change the treatment… If you change the price, materially enough to where it changes the treatment, you have to go back and change the outcome so that they clearly understand that that treatment is going to get them this outcome. Does that make sense, guys? And so the most important part about this whole thing is, do not fall into a trap of selling the treatments and selling features and benefits. Okay?

So, I-I’m literally doing videos every day, um, brand new videos updating all of the training, on-on-online training. If you guys haven’t been in there, there’s a bunch of new videos for you to get you guys certified on different levels. I’m gonna update the script and I’m gonna remove the patient education to make this a little bit more simple and give you guys a little bit more time.

Becky still got through the whole thing in just under 20 minutes with both of them, which is right on time. But as you can see, she spent probably 6 minutes just on the patient education side. Whereas she could have pre-sold the doctor a little bit more, she could have created a vision and-and connected those dots a little bit better. But I can tell that Becky, you’re really, really good and very, um, very aware of the time, the time clock in your head from moving from one point to the next. So, um, you still got it done within the 20 minutes for both of these patients which was really, really good.

Um, [clears throat] I hope that you guys can take a look. And the main things to really understand here is, I want you to focus on being dynamic with the patients and understand how to get them going. And when the patient’s going in the right direction and they’re giving you useful information, how to provide supporting comments to allow ’em to further elaborate. And that’s what creates urgency. It’s their words, not yours. You can see the patient, the patients were speaking 70% of the time, Becky was speaking 30% of the time. It was all really, really good.

Frankly, none of this, none of this money part here, Becky, was your fault, it’s where the script took you, it’s the way the script was designed. And, you know, I’m gonna make some adjustments to make it a little bit more simple, so we don’t get into hot water. If-If money is a… is their number one concern, they’re gonna bring it up no matter what, and if they don’t bring it up in the first ten, they’re certainly gonna bring it up in the second ten when we make our primary recommendation. And it doesn’t matter if they bring it up in the first and second ten because you’re gonna be doing it efficiently. It’s like for real ten minutes. It’s not like we spend thirty minutes, and then thirty minutes, and then thirty minutes here. Make sense?

Anybody have any questions? Awesome. Becky, you did an, you did an amazing job. Thank you for that video. Awesome, awesome job. And, uh, I don’t have any questions in the chat. So, guys, if you don’t have any questions about it, let me know. If not, go close somebody. Go make some money, some money. All right, buh-bye, buh-bye, guys.

Participant: Bye.

Woman 4: I have a question. I have a question.

Bart: Oh, you do?

Woman 4: I do. How do I get to your, um, portal for all of your uh scripts?

Bart: I’ll have, I’ll have Brenda contact you. What office is it?

Woman 4: Advanced Implant Centers.

Bart: Advanced Implant Centers. Okay. Main thing is to have your onboarding calls. If we ever get y’all on for the onboarding call yet… Are you brand new?

Woman 4: Not really, but no. Yeah. I am, but not this office. No, sir.

Bart: Okay. Well, you need to have an onboarding call. So, Brenda will reach out to you. She’s sitting right next to me.

Woman 4: Okay.

Bart: I have to call you right after this.

Woman 4: Okay, thank you.

Bart: All right. Okay, guys, I’ll catch you all later if there’s no more questions.

Woman 5: Thank you.

Bart: All right, buh-bye.

Woman 5: Bye, y’all.


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