The Closing Institute Monthly Coaching Call

December, 2021

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Bart Knellinger: Hey, hey, what’s going on?

Female Participant 1: How are ya?

Bart: How are you guys doing?

Male Participant 1: And then the chance[?]. The quality stopped.

Bart: That’s right. That’s right. I should give it a second.

Male Participant 1: The meeting starts.

Male Participant 2: All the nicknames are getting-, got it there.

Bart: Give me second moderate signs on here.

Male Participant 3: You know, this is like weird.


Female Participant 2: Did everybody order?

[Tap sound]


Female Participant 3: It’s really up to you, um, you know, I [inaudible]

[Background noise boy playing]

Bart: Ohh…

Bart: Guys, we got a pretty good consultation to watch this month. Um, man, the last one of the year. This one is, uh, this one’s pretty interesting. It’s actually this lady… She’s… It’s her… She’s had 7 opinions. So it’s not a 2nd opinion, it’s an 8th opinion, an 8th opinion. I think that’s like a record for someone shopping. See their record for someone shopping or somebody’s not gonna get… approved anyway, one of the two. Okay…

Female Participant 4: Mm-mm.

Bart: All right, guys. Well, I hope everyone’s having a good month so far. This month’s been really good for most of my clients. Um [thump sound], last month of the year, it’s been really fun. Thank you, guys, for sending in the videos. You’ve been a big uptake in getting all the videos from you. Uh, we’ve been watching them. It’s been really cool to see the uh, the progressions that have been, that have been made this year, since the beginning of the year, and since now.

So, I appreciate all the hard work, um, and I can tell you guys have been working with the doctors too. So hopefully you’re seeing that, um, translate into more arches every single month, which seems to be the case. But you guys have been working really hard and doing a really good job sending in the videos. Um, so keep doing that and, uh, you know, every time we watch them, we’re just trying to get a little bit better, a little bit better, and a little bit more efficient. So I’m gonna play this, uh, play this consultation for you guys. This month is from Dr. Gilbert’s practice. This is from, uh, Courtney. Courtney, are you on the call right now?

[Inaudible sound]

Bart: Courtney…

Female Participant 3: Okay. So I crossed from[?].

Bart: Okay. Well, I don’t know if she’s on yet. Let me know when Courtney signs on.

Female Participant 5: She’s [crosstalk].

Bart: So I wanna get-, I’ve got some specific questions for her [chuckle] regarding this particular patient, too. So just a little background on this patient. This is the patient’s 8th opinion. Uh, they had a little conversation before they came in. Courtney was also the one that was actually handling the lead. So she was texting back and forth the lady and actually speaking with her and everything else. Um, I think the lady actually brought her, uh, her fiancé in with her. So you had both of the, uh, decision-makers there at the time. Um, [tongue clicks] and, uh, they kind of came in right in to talk in numbers right off the bat. So which-which happens a lot with, uh, with 2nd and 3rd opinions.

Oh, when they’ve been to 7 practices, it’s almost like okay. You are either looking for something really really specific here or you don’t have any money, you know? One of it and y-you’re just trying to figure out how they get it, um, one of the two. So I think there’s some ways that we can expedite this, uh, this consultation even more. Um, but, uh, but Courtney did a lot of things right here and, uh, I could see-, and you guys will be able to see what she was doing. I’m like go ahead and start playing this. I think the one thing you’ll see, I mean, from start to finish, the whole consultation was like 54, 55 minutes.

Um, and depending on how those first 5 minutes went of her coming into the practice, this-, the whole thing probably could have been summed up, um, in probably 15 to 20 minutes max. Um, just because she’s had so many consultations, she keeps saying the whole time like, “Yeah, they all kind of said that. Yeah, they all said I needed this. Yeah, they all kind of say I needed implants. They all said I had enough bone. Blah, blah, blah.” So you can tell like she’s heard a lot of the same things over and over again.

Um, but I was really interest-interested to listen like, okay, w-what’s missing? Why did you move forward with somebody, you know? Why are you going to-to your 8th, the 8th consultation? It’s got to be something specific if it’s not the money. So I’m gonna share the screen here… Okay, and I’m gonna start playing this, okay? Now, remember guys, if you have sp-, if you have specific questions, just type them into the, uh, to the chat function, and then I’ll get to them at the end. But I’m gonna stop it and, uh…

[Video starts playing]

Bart: … and open up to questions.

[Video playing]

Bart: Got it. Okay.

Female Participant 5: That’s-, he-, yeah. He never was.

[Video playing]

Patient: I try to stop it. But I can’t.

Courtney: Here’s this, do you want Listerine?

Patient: Great.

Courtney: Okay. Let me grab you some Listerine.

Patient: I don’t want to throw anybody away.

Courtney: [laughs]

[Zipper zips]

[Inaudible sound]

Patient: [Inaudible] there.

Courtney: Okay.

Patient: I had partials made. It was good for about 4 years to 5 years. And then, oh, my teeth. This happened last week, this happened a week before. This two, a year ago, um [sigh], I cannot believe it. I had a beautiful smile. And I’m really being engaged, you can’t tell. I was a hairdresser. So I take a lot of pride and like guaranteeing no old.

Courtney: No you’re not, you’re not old [chuckle].

Patient: I gotta have teeth. I can’t stand out. I’m choking on my food. We just choked on a burger coming in here.

Courtney: Okay.

Patient: I can’t chew my food up right.

Courtney: Mm-hmm.

Patient: And I have, issues anyway for some… My esophagus being a little much smaller because of the fusions.

Courtney: Okay.

Patient: So I already have an issue with jerking and gagging.

Courtney: Okay. Gotcha. Now, with the consultations, what, uh, what have the recommendations been so far?

Patient: Umm, at first, they say they would keep teeth in so they had to-, attach it to. Other doctor said, no. Um, they all say implant is the best way to go for my age.

Courtney: Yeah.

Patient: An- and, oh my gosh.

Courtney: Okay.

Patient: I just need somebody, please, God, worth visiting. Trust me. I know it’s- it’s your job and I understand if things can’t help with that then they can’t but I’ll try.

Courtney: Gotcha. Now, what do you see, what would you want your ideal situation to be? Now, there’s different options out there for replacement, um, coz it does sound like that full arch implant supported something would probably be in your best interest…

Patient: Yeah, especially…

Courtney: … [crosstalk] everything…

Patient: Right. Right.

Courtney: … coz you’re gonna save yourself a lot of money in the long run…

Patient: Right. I don’t want it-, right.

Courtney: Yes.

Patient: I-I-I’m for aggressive treatment right now.

Courtney: Yes.

Patient: I am.

Courtney: So just to kinda go over the options…

[Video paused]

Bart: Okay, so hang on. So, um, she told her, actually, when I was- right before I started the video but she’s like, yeah, this is the-, I’ve been to 7 appointments already previously, you know? And then she kinda goes in. She almost broke down crying right off the bat like right off the bat, she almost broke down crying. So you can tell a lot with her personality. This, uh, this particular lady is gonna basically give you what you need to know. You’re gonna ask her a question and I get the feeling right off the bat, she’s not gonna be guarded at all. She’s gonna tell you exactly what you wanna know.

Umm, but anytime you hear somebody, if they’ve been to more than 2 practices before you, if you’re the 3rd consultation or more, don’t forget, right when they sit down, don’t forget to state your intention or what you’re there to do and tell them. Hey, listen, I’m not here to tell you what to do, we’re not here to say this is the best way or that’s the best way, we’re here to help you, right? No matter what we can do. You know, it sounds like everything you told me, it sounds like a-a-a great treatment for something, um, but no matter what it is, we just want you walking out in a better situation than you’re in right now.

So my job is to understand exactly what’s happening with you, where you wanna be, what you can do, and then match you up with the best treatment. Does that make sense? Cool. And then, she’s kinda going into the pain points and Courtney is like hovering right around it but she’s not really asking her what you wanna know here. If someone’s been to 7 appointments and she said, well, what did the other doctors say? But we don’t really need to know what they say, there are 7 of them, right? So you know if they ask you, hey, what did 7 people say? They’re gonna kinda group them all in the same things like a, you know, I’m trying to tell you what 7 people said but it doesn’t matter what they say.

What matters is why has she not moved forward with any of them? If, you know, and I would say something like, listen, you’ve been to 7 appointments now and you’re sitting here. Obviously, there’s something that is going on in these consultations that you didn’t like or you’re just not getting what it is that you’re looking for. So tell me, what’s the biggest reason why you hadn’t moved forward with this so far? Uh, was-, is-is there some-, was there an obstacle that you couldn’t overcome with any of the practices? Tell me how you can, how we can help you and exactly what you’re looking for? Was it not the right treatment? Was the treatment not at the right price points? Give me an idea of the reason why you haven’t moved forward so that I can kinda streamline this whole thing and help you.

That’s what we really wanna know, right? You wanna know why she hasn’t moved forward yet. So what I’m thinking by listening to her, just by seeing her teeth, just from when she did smile for a second, um, you can tell it’s probably gonna be a full arch case, no doubt about it. All the other doctors said she was a full arch case. So go to seven and not get treatment at any of them leads me to believe that she could-, that probably she couldn’t attain financing, she doesn’t have the money. Does that make sense?

So I’m gonna ask her, just in case that’s wrong, I’m gonna ask her, was there-, wh-what’s the biggest obstacle standing in your way from the other practices that’s causing you-, th-that caused you not to move forward? What do you want from us that’s gonna be different? How can we help you? Tell me what it is that you’re looking for. Uh, is it-, is it the treatment that you didn’t like? Is it the process you didn’t like? Is it the price you didn’t like? Give me an idea, right?

And I’ll throw a couple of multiple choice answers out there and see which ones she picks coz if it’s price, I need to go in and we need to figure-, we need to figure this out. We need just kinda go into the triage situation quickly. Does that make sense? So I need her to give me an idea. If it was the price and she couldn’t afford it at any of the practices, I needed to know what she can afford and what she can pay for, because if-if we don’t know that and then I can’t get her approved with financing, we’re kinda we’re leaving her in the same situation she was in with all of the previous practices.

[Inaudible sound]

Bart: So anytime you have somebody that’s-that’s been to several, right, and they’re so obvious in need and they obviously want it so much like, I mean, she’s-she’s crying in the first 30 seconds. So she wants it, you know? I doubt she’s saying no. So the fact that we’re the 8th stop and she wants it so badly leads me to believe it’s probably a financial obstacle which I’d rather tackle earlier rather than later. Does that make sense?

So an-and Courtney’s like right there asking. She’s asking what did they say. She’s asking what can we do for you, right? But I would ask in a different way. I’d say, hey, you’ve been to 7 practices, we’re the 8th. Give me an idea of what’s standing in your way. What’s been standing in your way from moving forward to treatment? Is it that you didn’t like the treatments? Is it that you didn’t like the process? Is it that you didn’t like the price points? Give me an idea of what’s stopping you so that we can help you. Like what’s the main reason? What are you looking for now?

And I’m just gonna ask her as directly as I possibly can because I suspect what I’m probably going to hear is that, um, she has poor credit and she couldn’t get financing and, um, she couldn’t afford it. But that doesn’t mean that’s definitely gonna be the case. That’s-, if I was just watching the video to this point, that’s what I would guess that I would hear. So given to that would-, i-i-if that was the case then I would want to know how much she can pay, right? If we can’t get any financing, what can you pay, right? And we will go straight into that.

[Video starts playing]

Courtney: They did go over all of your options, is there’s this snappable in and out.

Patient: Right, I’ve heard about those.

Courtney: There is which is on the lower end of the budget scale than on the upper higher end of the budget scale…

[Video paused]

Bart: See, we should already-, she already has a budget though. That’s a guarantee. She either already has a budget or she’s living on a prayer to try to get finance somewhere and she’s try-, just filling on applications at every practice that she goes to, one of the two. So in this situation, we’re the 8th practice. I’m asking her directly, what is the budget? What do you wanna spend? It doesn’t matter what she wants anymore but there’s a big financial, financial problem. I’m just gonna ask her what that is and if-if she says, look, I don’t have any money to spend on it, I need payments, then the whole deal hinges on her ability to get financed, right? So again, you can kinda cut straight to the point here. She’s been through 7 consultations.

[Clearing throat]

[Video playing]

Courtney: There’s the one that’s saying that doesn’t cover the palette that’s made of zirconia which is very aesthetic but only the doctor can take out.

Patient: Okay.

Courtney: Um, it stays. It’s very strong. It doesn’t chip. You won’t have to have to…

[Video paused]

Bart: And keep in mind, in the 7 appointments, how many times does she heard this about zirconia or heard the difference between fix and removal. She’s heard it. She definitely heard it before. So I like to just take, I mean, you can probably take the next 15 minutes and go straight through it, uh, without even covering that. We’re just gonna.. fast forward ahead a little bit here.

[Video playing]

Courtney: But when see overdenture, in the healing process, we may have to go to a traditional while you’re healing.

Patient: Healing.

Courtney: Did they go over that with you?

Patient: No.

Courtney: So, okay.

Patient: No.

Courtney: In the healing process, you may have to wear the traditional which may flop around…

Patient: Temp… Yeah, they did tell me about it, temp., whenever you want.

Courtney: Yes. Now, if you go for the, um, which is obviously more expensive, if you go for the ones that’s fixed, um, it’s just a bridge that’s fixed from the day that you leave. But now, we’re talking 20s and above, okay? This option is probably going to be in the 10s.

[Video paused]

Bart: So what she’s doing is she’s kinda like throwing the things out there, guessing a little bit, uh, and you can tell, she’s kinda-, she kinda has the feeling that this lady can’t afford… the-the zirconia option based on how she’s kinda presenting it. She’s started out there but she kinda has an option. She kinda has an idea or she’s guessing that she can’t afford it. I don’t really want to, uh, I’d rather not guess. I’d rather just ask her what she wants to pay, you know?

At this point, we’re your 8th practice, what do you have budgeted for this, you know? Wh-what do you have in mind as far as a dollar amount? Um, and I think this lady is gonna tell you. This is somebody, to me, she looks desperate for treatment. I mean, she looks absolutely desperate. She doesn’t look like she’s going to be picky at all. To me, this looks like and smells like, um, a very difficult financial situation. That’s what it-, that’s what it looks like on face value. So when I start hearing things like that, you start going, oh, man, this is financial. I go straight-, we’re gonna go straight into the triage because I don’t-, we don’t-, it’s very hard to take an hour, right, or an hour and a half with somebody that is upfront telling you they don’t have any money and we can’t get them financed. That’s a tough one.

[Video playing]

Courtney: Um, that’s… we’ll see with Lisa and Dr. G, they’re gonna be the ones who should be able to tell us how we go around.

Patient: Okay.

Courtney: Okay. Um, now, we do work with a third-party financing company that can finance up to-to 9 years. So do you want to try to qualify for anything before you move…

Patient: I can.

Courtney: … further?

Patient: I would like to, yes. See if I do.

Courtney: Okay.

Patient: My credit just went up a little bit but it’s still not working but…

Courtney: Okay.

Patient: I’m working on that, paying my creditors to help me clean up my credit.

Courtney: Okay.

[Video paused]

Bart: Oh-oh. All right. oh oh god, you know? She’s working with creditors to clean up her credit.. on, you know. Again, I would be-, I would just be-, I think if we’re direct with this patient, we asked her what’s the biggest obstacle with the other practices. She’s probably filled out applications before and been denied. Did you- could you read it on her face w-when Courtney asked her, do you wanna try to apply. She’s like… I’m not gonna get approved well what the hell. You know what I mean.

Courtney: Yeah I’m here, Bart. Courtney’s here, I’m in.

Bart: Hey, what’s up Courtney, how you doin’?

Courtney: Hey, how’s it going?

Bart: Goin good, going good. Hey, I can’t see her on my screen feed. um, Courtney, I was just gonna ask you before we started it, am, how forthcoming she was in the conversation when you were talking to her over the phone and she was telling you she been into this different appointments. Did she ever tell you specifically, she didn’t move forward because of the price.

Courtney: So basically she was kinda like a shopper, like one of the normal shoppers and am, so we went through the whole like triage over the phone and, am… when she heard that like we were in her ballpark, she was all for it. So, like, she never told me that she wouldn’t be able to afford it coz we have a lot of this in the beginning like we triage them a lot better now. um, but this was like one of those cases where your heart goes out to them because you feel bad…

Bart: Yeah…

Courtney: … at the same time, it’s like [tapping sound] y-you still, like theirs still no financing there.

Bart: Yeah, she still couldn’t get approved.

Courtney: Yeah.

Bart: So y-, after. You know hey…

Courtney: So I spoke to her afterward, about on compassion, so I mean I’m just hopin’ that she’s not like giving up-giving up but…

Bart: Uh-huh. Well, you know you asked her what was the biggest obstacle, what was the biggest reason why you haven’t moved forward. Is it the treatments? Is it the money? Give me an idea here so we can help you. I wanna try to get a direct answer from her, in regards to exactly what actually happened. Coz she said it’s money, am, you know the whole thing hinges on financing, you know we could go into financing, am, to see if she gets approved. But, you know, this particular lady, it took quite a bit of the… of am, of doctor time as well and I think you’re like right there with it. You’re like right their of asking her, so what did the say, so what can we do for you and all these different things. She’s just not exactly…she’s not telling you like super direct, like “Hey, you know my credits no good, I couldn’t afford it”. Coz if she said that to me, I’ll say, well listen you’ve already filled out credit application seven different practices. Why don’t we just talk about what you can pay in cash, right? So, you should be on some type of a budget and I would just figure out how much she has in cash and use that as some kind of a starting point for what we can do. um, to help her, to see if she has any cash whatsoever [dog barking], you know what I mean?

Courtney: Yeah.

Bart: You know somehow the gu- the guy brought her a 2.2-carat diamond right? So…

Courtney: [laughing]

Bart: This is cash somewhere, right [chuckle]?

Okay cool, I’m gonna keep going here, I’m just gonna skip ahead just a little bit. But Courtney, you were on the right track with her too. Right on the right track. Just it- were you getting the feeling that it’s a big financial objection?

Courtney: I was, am, especially whenever she mention the credit and you could probably see it on my face right there, I’m like uhh [laughter].

Bart: Yup.

Courtney: I don’t know where we were gonna end up goin’ with this but, am, I mean it’s just one of those cases where… like when they say… and you say a number over the phone and they’re like “oh wow, your… you know a lot cheaper than all the other places”, it’s almost like you think you have it in the bag and you don’t.

Bart: Well yeah, if they don’t have any money.

Courtney: Yeah.

Bart: Right. That’s what the triage is for and it’s a big, big red flag if they’ve already been to seven practices. Seven is like, wow, that’s a lot! To go to eight… to get eight different opinions. They’ve heard every option in the book if they’ve been to eight practices. So it’s gotta be, that sh-she’s having trouble securing financing, that’s my guess and if that’s the case then I need to know what she can pay and if we can do anything. Coz if we can’t, then I’ve to send her, or we have to triage her out quickly before spending a lot of the doctors’ time with this particular patient. Until she can figure out means of creating some liquidity.

Courtney: Yeah.

Bart: You know, so when she says, “yeah I don’t have very good credit or whatever”, I would ask her. Have you applied for credit, have you tried to get payments at any of the other practices recently?

Okay. Were you… did you get approved for any of them? Did you not get approved? Okay, well let’s just say for some reason if we can’t get you approved then we have to deal in cash. What kind of… what kind of budget do you have, what type of cash do you have that you can invest into your smile right now.

We’re talking ten thousand, twenty thousand, fifteen, five, like give me an idea of what you can pay if you don’t have financing available.

Cortney: Yeah. And I think that this was very much of a learning situation for everybody because we triage a lot differently now. um, that I- were getting less of this which is good…

Bart: Uh-huh.

Courtney: … am, but the doctor was actually wondering if ever we were gonna go over this video, coz he was very proud of himself [laughing].

Bart: Well he did good. But the whole time he’s talking, right. I’m gonna, I’m gonna scroll to this right now. But the whole time he was talking in my head is I’m going, “man, he’s doin’ great”, but this is practice at this point, right.

Courtney: Uh-huh

Bart: That was I was betting, what I’m betting is that this lady doesn’t have the means to.. to move forward with the purchase. That’s just my bet right now, especially
after hearing the credit. Sound like he’s talking to somebody that financially, is not qualified to move forward. Right, so for practice reasons, he did a lot of things really good, right. But moving forward, you know you’re gonna try to… try to identify the-these types of patients and if there’s a way that we can… am, figure out if they been to several different prices and they haven’t got approved and they don’t have any money. Then we have to ask ’em that we have to figure out a financial solution before movin’ them forward and if we can’t, then we triage them out and give them am, ah, give them some task on some places to look to go find money, some different homework to do and then follow back up.

Courtney: Yeah.

Bart: um, but I could… I could see exactly what you’re trying to do. But uh… the more you think this is financial, this is financial, the more [finger snapping] the more you go direct. Right, you gotta be more and more direct. Because you’re qualifying them, our sayin’, we’re not gonna go through with the CT, we’re not gonna meet with the doctor, and do this different stuff if financially you can’t afford it. And she probably doesn’t want to go through that whole thing either. If there is no financial aspect, she can probably be very specific and tell you, “hey, I need payments and I don’t have credit”, right?

Courtney: Yeah.

Bart: A down payment down, max that you could do maybe $5000 and I need payments no more than $400 a month. She can probably be that specific, that’s my guess.

Courtney: Okay.

Bart: Okay, here we go.

[Video playing]

Courtney: And that’s for the overdentures.

Patient: That’s the low pros[?].

Bart: [Forward]

Courtney: So,

but… get it [laughing].

Patient: Right, right.

Courtney: These are… this is a, am, a pedia, these are two of our patients that went to the similar thing.

Patient: Uh-huh.

Courtney: These is…

[Video forwarded]

Doctor Gilbert: Maybe you want it, you want it. [Video forwarded] On this side…

Courtney: [laughing]

Patient: Beforehand…

Bart: Forward to Doctor Gilbert comes in.

Patient: Berk off and future up there.

Doctor Gilbert: um, you know, very straightforward case on the bottom. So this picture here is like you take a globe and you make it flat. Okay. And this blue line is the cross-section, alright? So that’s this one here and as we go around so it’s here, its, there’s a little sharp over here. I’ll just flatten the bone like that, blah blah blah… um, you know, very good, you see how it opens up right there.

Patient: Yeah.

Doctor Gilbert: This is a nerve. It’s actually a very, very favorable arch, alright. um, you have a good curve here, right. So I will get it probably, one incline here, one incline here, one incline there, one incline there, very safe however for either fix or oral denture…

Patient: Okay.

Doctor Gilbert: … okay. On the top, you got a couple of infections, so this is [inaudible]…

Patient: I know, I know.

Doctor Gilbert: Do you got any pain at all?

Patient: I take a lot of pain medicines.

Doctor Gilbert: Yeah.

Patient: Morphine and Doloteffin.

Patients Fiancé: [inaudible] antibiotic or some [inaudible].

Doctor Gilbert: Yeah, yeah, yeah…

Patient: And…

Doctor Gilbert: The problem is like you just take antibiotics and you got stomach issues and it’s a whole, whole problem. So, you know what I mean…

Bart: Well I think Doctor Gilbert, does a pretty good job out here. He’s looking at the x-ray and just telling here, hey, your a pretty good candidate, I like this, this is straightforward, I feel good about it. And he’s got a really good tone out in terms of relatability with the patient. That kind of a natural, very reasonable type of tonality. um, that can kind of put you at ease. Feeling like us, pretty straightforward for this particular guy. So, am, I think it’s the tonality and the casual nature of it, is a… is really good. um, but like I said, he’s… he’s probably all for nothing because this lady is not probably financially qualified. But…

[Video playing]

Patient’s Fiancé: She’s got some big issues anyway.

Doctor Gilbert: Yeah.

Patient’s Fiancé: [Laughing]

Doctor Gilbert: So, on this side right? Yeah, still, more bone than most cases I do. The bottom is like, really a [inaudible].

Patient: I’d neither really just wait to fall out.

Bart: If I was gonna move this patient ahead and there are gonna speak with a doctor, how I would envision it starting with the doctor. Is, okay, listen Courtney’s told me about your situation and kinda what you’re runnin’ into. I understand you know th- the main reason why you’re here is to regain the function in your, in… in your bite and also restore a beautiful smile. Is that right? And she’s gonna say “yes” and probably start crying. And then I’m gonna say, am, Courtney also told me that you a, that you’re looking for something somewhere between the five and 10 thousand dollar range and that you’ll need your arrange payments. Ah, is that correct?

And I will go straight into it right because I would wanna know the specifics of how much money she has. Because why talk about a bunch of stuff that’s not gonna happen. You know what I mean, that’s just th-th-that’s impossible for her.

You know, so if I’m the doctor, I’m coming in, “Hey, how you doin’, I understand this is what your goal is, I understand these are your parameters in terms of what you can buy. Based on what I’m seeing, here’s the best I can do there”. And sometimes the best you can do is not implants for somebody sometimes. Sometimes they just don’t have enough money for it and if you have it on your schedule, if you have the supply in terms of treatment time, to go on do something else, whether it some extractions, whether it some grafting, whatever you can do to get her out of pain and get her into a better situation, even if at the stage of treatments, am, sometimes you have to work it to their budget. Now if you’re booked out with full arches and you are booked out with big multi-implant cases, that’s something that you don’t want to present as an option. But if your not, then, that’s what, you know, again the price points gonna anchor. It-it’s gonna be the starting point in the reference in which we’re havin’ a discussion because we’re acting like the price point doesn’t matter and we’re kinda gonna going through it from front to back. There’s a lot of conversation that’s gonna be had, ah, for no particular reason.

[Video playing]

Doctor Gilbert: Well so yeah, so it’s like a tooth. This is a relatively strong tooth, this is an infected root, this is a strong tooth, root, tooth, tooth. Like, I mean implants at the top is still gonna be your, your best option.

[Video paused]

Bart: And guys you noticed with the doctors, they kinda like at their comfort zone when they’re communicating with the patient, is when they have the CT pulled up. You guys notice that? That for a lot of the doctors, that’s like, that’s where they want to spend the majority of the… of the dialogue. It’s talking about the case and the technical aspects of the case. um, which is really good, which is why I wanna make sure that it doesn’t go out of order, right? The first thing is to… to… is to, speak with the patient and make sure that we’re all on the same page as far as what you are trying to accomplish, right? I understand from Courtney, you’re here for these reasons, this has been going on and you’re lookin’ for something like this. Is that right? Okay, great, and then you connect with the patient. Then you kinda get into what your seein’, where your concerns and why you think they’re a good candidate, right?

um, a lot of doctors kinda run right to the CT, am without doin’ that, that’s some of the ah, the feedback that you guys can give to the doctors in real-time and make sure that you’re filling out the form. You know, after the first tens that the doctors does know, these are the pain points, this is what they’re looking for and they can do a real quick thirty-second recap. You know, am if there is a finan- if you dig or budge it out of the patient, That patient tells you hey, I can spend 10 thousand bucks. You know, that somewhere between ten and twenty, ten and fifteen minimum. um, but th-the doctor, you want the doctor to know that, theirs no reason goin’ in and talkin’ about a treatment for $34,000. um, you, just gonna make him upset, they give you a budget of ten and now we’re talking about of twenty-eight, twenty-nine thousand, am, you want the doctor to be aware of that.

[Video playing]

Doctor Gilbert: Long-term right. So what happens is, a lot of time people come to me and they’ve already spent a ton of money, you know. Say, traditionally, I would have added that we could do a bridge here, from there to there, there, right. That’s gonna cost $3,000 and from here to there $10,000 and from here to there. But then what, ten years that fails to.

[Video paused]

Bart: This is really, really good stuff if she didn’t have financial obstacles, right? Because what’s his doing is… is, he’s preemptively handling somebody that might say, well let’s start with this and then, let’s just do this because it’s cheaper. You know, he’s saying wells sometimes that doesn’t work cause you do all the different… you do all the work. You do a bridge here, and a bridge there and you try to save this tooth, you try to save that tooth. And then 5 more years or 7 more years, you’re in that same exact situation where you still have to pay twenty-five thousand, but you spend the last five years, paying three thousand here and four thousand there just to wind up paying the twenty. So that makes sense unless the patient sittin’ in front of you only has three grand to their name and they can’t get finance. But that is a really really good way of preemptively handling that objection of somebody that might say well, let’s save the teeth that we can and then do like a single look over here, just do a couple of extractions. That’s a really good example of how to preemptively address that objection.

[Video playing]

Doctor Gilbert: Upset me when you already said twenty and then you will come back for the same… same fuss, right? So, that’s why they trended dentistry, that is why you know, why, why a few years ago a couple more aggressive than now it does, you know, it’s the right thing to do. Because, why do it twice…

Patient: Right, right.

Doctor Gilbert: …
you wanna do something right the first time, feel good about it and then have it last a long time. Right? So implants are predictable, implants have longevity. That’s kind of why they’ve become popular, okay. You know like, traditionally I could do a bridge on this no problem. The issue is, what will it be in 10 years, okay. That I can’t answer for you.

Patient: I pray I won’t be here a long time.

Doctor Gilbert: Good. I like to hear about it, you know, People coming here I don’t got much time.

Patient: My girlfriend is in the hospice for 47 years.

Doctor Gilbert: 47 years hospice, [inaudible].


Patient: No. We’ve been friends for 47 years.

Doctor Gilbert: Great, great, great.

Patient: Much older than you [laughter].

[Video paused]

Bart: So again, the doctors’ job is what, right? Connect with the patient, recap on what the goals are, um, and ge-get to a primary recommendation, and tell the patient why they are the perfect candidate for that primary recommendation. While we’re trying to get a primary recommendation, we’re having a hard time getting into a primary recommendation. Be-because the patient hasn’t really stated clearly what they want. She’s kinda just begging for help. But we don’t have a budget to go off, we don’t what she can pay for or afford.

So we’re all kinda like guessing and kinda grasping that straws at this point, which makes it really difficult, um, what we wanna do is nail the patient down and know can this patient get financing or not, period. And if they can, how much can they pay. And then… then we can actually have a… we can… we can… have a… a real conversation about where you are financially and what we can do from a clinical perspective from that, to work within your budget, right? Then you can be really, really specific if not, it’s kinda like, well I can do this with an overdenture, I can do this with the bridge, I could do dararara.

There’s just a bunch of different options. There’s a bunch of different theoretical options, but I wanna know is where- is there an actual option that can work for this particular patient. Can it actually buy anything and you guys definitely want the doctors to know that before they walk in. You want the doctor to know unless the finances weren’t brought up. Finances weren’t brought up and we don’t think it’s financial issue. Then don’t worry about it and he’s gonna make his recommendation, his primary recommendation is gonna be based off of what the patient said they want.

If they want something long-term, they want something fixed, they want something with uh, great aesthetics. Um, you know, y-your, your primary recommendation is going to be a mirror image of what it is that they describe. But, in this situation again, I’m going through it because there’s some good things here that we can point out. Ah, as far as what they are doin’, uh, but I think it’s for, I think we’re practicing w-with this particular patient.

[Video playing]

Patient: Ah it’s ok darling, why don’t you fix me up.

Doctor Gilbert: Yeah.

Courtney: [Laughing]

Patient: I don’t care what age you are.

Doctor Gilbert: My youth is still the withering the way.

Patient: Uh-huh.

Courtney: Oh common.

Doctor Gilbert: Every case I do like this.

Patient: [chuckle]

Courtney: You do get so excited.

Doctor Gilbert: I do get excited, that’s true. Yeah. I can seat and talk about this all night.

Patient: Oh good.

Doctor Gilbert: So…

Patient: I like that.

Courtney: He does, he gets so excited.

Doctor Gilbert: And people that keep looking at me I’m like. I-I know I have to tone it down, but I’m like, how much do you want me to ramble about this.

[Video forwarded]

Patient: Chew my food, I just choked…

Doctor Gilbert: Righ, right.

Patient: … on a burger before I came.

Doctor Gilbert: So that’s there, it’s a big undertaking financially right? It’s a big undertaking emotionally, right? That’s another thing, people coming here it’s an emotional way to get their teeth out. But it’s a life-changing experience, right? To have teeth that, you know, there’s a few things right. While everybody wants to smile and be happy and be comfortable and not feel like they have to smile a specific way or not show their smile. But in all that it goes to an even more important thing, biologically it’s in chewing, right?

[Video paused]

Bart: Beyond all these stuff, I don’t think she needs to hear, because I mean the lady’s breakin’ down in the first ten seconds. She’s literally saying that I just want somebody to help me, she’s like beggin’ for treatment, right? She’s begging for it.
So we just need to figure out i-if we can help her or not. Um, I think that’s something that we can probably figure out in the first 5 minutes, with this particular, with this particular patient. And…

Courtney: And Bart, I will say too that we’ve had to like real Doctor G in…

Bart: Uh-huh.

Courtney: … coz he can. He will sit there and talk to these people for like 5 hours if they let him. But, um his been doin’ a lot better with them [laughing] too.

Bart: Hey, and I- the good thing is that he’s comfortable talking, he’s comfortable communicating and he’s relatable, right?

Courtney: Yeah.

Bart: So, those are all things to be thankful for, but all my clients don’t have that goin’ for them. So he’s very personable and he really likes what he does. All you have to make sure is this communication is still going in the straight line, meaning he is… everything he is saying is movin’ them more towards the close and that just moved back from you, right? But, again even I walked in, asked him into this situation if I didn’t know what the person’s budget was and I didn’t know why they’ve been to 7 different consultations. Um, I would have to get in and go really, really, really specific. Um, or super generic kind of how he’s doing. So, I think you can really help the doctor stay on track and if they start geeking out on the technology. Um, that’s just feedback, feedback when the consultation is over, right?

That’s all that is. Okay, this patient needs to know that we can help them, the patient have eight grand. And we said look if you have $8,000 the treatments twelve, twelve thousand. But if you have $8,000 down, you know, i-if he wants, we can get you approved for the other four with financing which gonna finance in the house for you. That way we can get you going. W-well takes the payment over for one year or eighteen months or whatever you suggest, right? Um, but the more specific information he has, the better. Um, but th-that’s all information that you guys want to give to the doctor before they come in and then based on how they handle it, um, afterwards, then you give them the feedback.

For instance, you don’t want the doctor to get into the habit of bringing up concerns that don’t already exist, right? Um, that happens sometimes with young doctors, you know what I mean. Uh, young doctors sometimes would make a comment or somethin’ about their age. I don’t do any thats’… you know wanna just minimize that and just kinda move on. We’re just getting them what they want. I don’t wanna create things that don’t exist. Um, but I’d say, all in all, you know, your doctor, Doctor Gilbert, his got a lot of things really going well for him in terms of how he communicates, um, to your point, we just have to make sure that we’re coaching help him to where… you know, we’re communicating information that’s actually going to move them towards, towards the close. And somebody like this, she doesn’t need to be sold on the benefits of implants at all. She doesn’t need to be sold in any of that, we just have to find out what she can pay for and if we can do anything for that dollar amount. An-and that’s it.

[Video playing]

Patient: Right.

Doctor Gilbert: Being able to enjoy food and anything like that. Um…

Patient’s Fiance: I don’t have any teeth so-

Patient: You don’t see your smile either. You never did see your teeth being smiled.

Doctor Gilbert: You’re next, right?

Patient: Yes-yes.

Patient’s Fiance: [inaudible] definitely.

Doctor Gilbert: Definitely you got it, right, you know, it takes a long time and you need the implants, its-its a confusing… really, it boils down to like putting nails into wood to hang up a picture, you know. But uh, there’s a lot of biology there that makes things a little confusing [inaudible].

Patient’s Fiance: You gotta let the bone heal…

Doctor Gilbert: You’re gonna let the bone heal.

Patient’s Fiance: … You’ve gotta let the gum heal.

Patient: Uh and my father is a carpenter.

Courtney: Aaw [laughs].

Doctor Gilbert: Yes. People… anytime I work with carpenters they want all the tools, are very similar.

Patient: Yeah, they like it, right?

Doctor: Is that a ratchet?

Courtney: [laughing]

Patient: Yeah, that’s all [inaudible] my father likes to play too.

Doctor: Yeah. So, uh it’s a very nice feeling it. I thought, once we finish this we’re gonna get him too. He said he’s going out [inaudible]-

Patient: My daughter needs it. My daughter is beautiful and she is in her early 30’s.

Doctor: Yeah.

Patient: And she don’t have, never three children and she, she needs teeth.

Doctor: Yeah.

Patients Fiance: She has the same problem.

Doctor: Yeah.

Courtney: [inaudible].

Patient’s Fiance: -The medication, the pain medication.

Doctor: Alright.

Patient: I’m going on a pain problem. I’m in the process of getting the uh, psych eval. Uh, so they can take out my nerve stimulator and put it in instant prompt. So it doesn’t go through my digesting track and do this.

Doctor: Sound like- sounds like a blast, huh?

Patient: Yeah.

Doctor: So depends with, uh, the previous one, so If you miss the month and they hit you.

[Video paused]

Bart: Yes, see how the consultation kind of drags. It drags, right? We need to get to it, be efficient, and then, and then get out of there and let Courtney, uh, finish this up. Which she is gonna do right here.

[Video plays]

Courtney: I’m Bart’s nurse and I’m gonna give you the whole folder and there goes all the information for you.

Patients Fiance: [inaudible] thank you.

Courtney: Very nice meeting you guys.

[Video paused]

Bart: Hey Courtney, Quick question here. You kind of give them everything. We had them sign to lock the price in but they didn’t give us a direct objection. In regards to money.

Courtney: I didn’t- we fill out- We filled out a proceed.

Bart: Mm-hmm… but they didn’t give…

Courtney: And then they didn’t get any offers and then they were like, well, we’re just going to have to figure out how to get the cash. She started crying after they didn’t get the-the proceed in which we had fixed after our consultation with Veronica. At first, we were kind of giving them the tablet to fill out their own application, we do not do that now.

Bart: Yeah.

Courtney: By the way so, I mean, after that, we signed up with compassion and then I reached out to her, and unfortunately, just like most patients, when they leave, you don’t hear back. Unfortunately.

Bart: Right. For-

Courtney: I’m going to stay on her because she needs it, and she does want it. And she, I feel like she did like us. It’s just money.

Bart: Yeah. For sure, but that’s if they don’t get approved. That’s when you ask them. What, how much money you have to pay? How much money you have to spend? You know, we have to have something to anchor it, right? And I think, with her, that’s that probably going to happen in the first 5 minutes on given how many different practices that she’s been to. But we want to know, like wh-what can you pay for? Because if they can’t pay for anything and they can’t get financing, then we need to give them some different strategies., right? And that’s where that funding Works G comes into play. Where we say, Hey, you know, here’s some different ways that we’ve been able to create some liquidity for other people.

Pensions for 1K home equity, Liquidating assets that may be redundant. Whether it’s cars, jewelry, this that the other blah, blah, whatever it is, we’re just kind of planting seeds and how they can go get some money because it sounds like the lady is completely desperate on… She signed the treatment plan to lock in the pricing that you gave her. I liked how you did the kind of went through the bundles and showed her discount and she’s going to get it for 11,000. I just don’t know from her, like is 1000 completely out of her ballpark or is 25 out of her ballpark or both of them?

You know, try this wi-wi-with people that are shopping, Don’t Be Afraid, especially if you’re the second, third, fourth opinion. Don’t be afraid to just cut right to the Chase and ask them. What do you want to spend? How do we help you here? Right? Because there’s, there’s what we can do and based on clinically, we can do any of these things. We can do Victor Konya, we can do Nanoceramic. I can do it over it to try locators, right? I can do whatever you’re good candidate for some type of floors, treatment option, but what we can do and what you can pay for and afford, are two different things, right?

So, why don’t you tell me what you can pay for and afford or what number you’re trying to stay within? And let’s use that as a jumping-off point and I can streamline this whole thing for you. That makes sense. Where are you? Where do you wanna be? Oh, well if I can get financing or whatever. Okay, did you apply for financing at any of the other offices previously? Yes, I did. Where did you get approved previously? Because we already got approved, we might be able to use that money and you have to run it again. No, I didn’t get approved anywhere. Okay. So let’s just say that we’re going to run you at let’s say and I’ll try it, some different options that all our practices don’t have but in the event that I can’t get you approved. If you don’t get approved, let’s go to Plan B and talk about that right now. So, how much money in terms of cash do you have to invest into a treatment? Right? Like worst-case scenario, you don’t get approved for payments. What’s the max amount of money that you can outlay at one period of time?

And I’m that direct with them. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. There’s no way they’re going to get through to the doctor, right? And we’re going to go through an hour, an hour and a half. The doctor can be another office work producing, that makes sense?

Courtney: Yeah.

Bart: Right. And you can handle all that stuff. Just don’t be afraid to be really, be direct with them. And that’s what they want at this stage. The last thing they want, is it go through another hour and a half consultation, Just to be told the same thing that they got told by the previous sudden[?], which is you don’t, you didn’t qualify. Make sense?

Courtney: Absolutely.

Bart: Cool. And guys, did someone write this question now?

Participant: Yes.

Bart: Okay. Someone asked, someone, said explain in-house financing. Uh [sighs] you know, I wouldn’t offer in-house financing if they’re not putting any money back. But if I do have a situation, let’s say, for instance, right? If I was being direct with this patient, the patient said, look, I’ve saved money, but I have all of these other expenses. I can’t have more than 8,000. I’ve got 8000. I cannot pay a penny more than that unless I get payments and I can’t get payments because I have poor credit. Okay, You guys are at 11,000 for the Denture, If you collect eight thousand dollars your hard costs are paid for, the doctor’s time is paid for, you’ve made money. You’re just taking a lower profit, for me, if they can pay that much of the principal, and there’s not much left. Then a lot of times for me, if I have somebody that’s literally sitting there desperate. I’ll say look, we’re $3,000 apart. If I can get you going with this, you’re going to go 3,000. What type of monthly payment could you make to pay it off? Could you pay the remaining 3,000 in one year? Could you pay it off in six months? Tell me how long you would need to pay it off.

What kind of monthly payment could you take? Because I might just be able to arrange something where we can just do it all for you and you can just pay us, right? Just pay us direct. So, we might just finance you ourselves. Give me an idea, six months, could you do it? A year, could you do it? Because I would be willing to personally to take the risk on $3000 on $11000 procedure, especially given that it’s temporary. And the odds that she’s going to have to come back. She still gonna need to pay for me and she is still gonna to come back sooner or later. It’s going to chip or crack or something. So if they’re closed, now, she says I have $500, you know, I would just triage that out. But if it’s a real number, if it’s over half, then sometimes you seriously consider, especially if you have room on the schedule, sometimes you seriously consider.

Uhm, just financing it, financing it in-house and our hedge is well and says, listen, if we are going to do this financing in-house, you know, another way that we can work this out is by doing a testimonial both beforehand, during the procedure. And after, and I would utilize it, leverage the discount to make, to create marketing material or leverage. The fact we’re going to in-house financing, I would hedge with that. So, at least I could get content from it, that I can use to create more new patients, a more production in the future, but you do you always thinking of ways to get it done. But I have to know at the end of the day, what is this person capable of given the fact that they don’t have the ability to get a loan that makes sense? Right. It’s just like somebody if you get them approved for 20, right? And for the arch, you’re at 25,000.

They only get approved for 20,000, you know, maybe they can come up with another one or two thousand dollars, but you have to understand a lot of people they’re paycheck to paycheck with their overhead, you know, so they can’t- they don’t have a big outlay of cash all at once can be difficult for people, again, they can, if I can get them funded, for twenty, for twenty thousand, you know, then I might consider financing the rest in-house as long as it’s not out more than a year.

So there’s different things that you guys can do. You just want to always look at uh, you know any type of creative solutions that you can come up with here. That’s what you want to do. Okay. but I think some- some key takeaways for this if they’ve been to more than three practices before they come to you. Uh, you know, that you’re going to be able to get through this really quick. There’s either something extremely specific they’re looking for, or they have a big-time financial obje- objection that no one has been able to come up with, right?

And there are two different kinds of people. Usually, if it’s financial usually, they come in begging. There’s usually a story behind it, they’re highly emotional. They’re just trying to- praying to God. Someone will just let them make payments on it, right? Or they’re looking for something really specific at a very specific price point and they’re not going to negotiate with you on that. I can say look. I’ve been all these practices, you know, I’ve been quoted between twenty-two, twenty-six thousand. I want that, but I don’t want to pay more than eighteen. Period. That’s what I want. It’s gonna be one of those two types. Either, one is an extremely expedited consultation. And before the doctor walks in the room. You want the doctor to know, “Hey, this is what they’re going to pay, this is what they can pay. What can we do?”

Cool? And if you guys get this from a lead and you’re talking to them on the phone. They tell you six, seven different appointments. You ask him all this stuff right over the phone. I just ask them, right? Say jeez, you’ve been to seven different practices, oh my gosh. Well, let me ask you, what, is there something specific that’s going on at these different practices that you didn’t like? What are you looking for? Right? Why haven’t you moved forward with anybody? Was it the treatment, was it that the protocols, was it the price? You know, what’s the reason for not moving forward? Get as much of that good Intel as you can, before they actually walk in the door. If they’re willing to talk about it. This lady will spill the beans on anything. That makes sense?

All right, cool. I will open it up to some- to some questions now, guys, for the last, the last five minutes. Does anyone have any kind of any situation that came up between last call and now that was uh, that stumped you, or any- any, any kind of situation that was kind of weird, that you weren’t sure? Anything, that you guys want to ask, go ahead and go ahead and ask, you got about five minutes left in the cold end on time. Or anything pertaining to this one? Have you guys been used in the form- have you guys been used in the form between the first ten in the second ten? Someone give me an idea, has that been helpful for the doctors to get that information ahead of time?

Participant 1: I just definitely like to know before they come in and meet with their patient.

Bart: You’ve been filling out the form?

Participant 1: Yeah.

Bart: Has it helped them kind of streamline their dialogue with the patient?

Participant 1: Yeah. I’ve kind of tweaked it a little bit, so it’s more simplified. So it’s like a quick, two-minute recap outside of the room with the doctor, but…

Bart: Cool, and have you- have you given the doctor yet? If you had a patient come in, that says, I only want to spend this much?

Participant 1: Mmm, Not really.

Bart: Okay.

Participant 1: We had one even just an hour ago, and we were their first implant consultation and they had no money at all. Didn’t even get approved. We started out 30,000 went down to like 7, but they had no idea even how much anything was.

Bart: Right.

Participant 1: And so ya know, I know Chelsea is really great about trying to pull those numbers, but when they didn’t know where to they even started they like we don’t have a budget.

Bart: Yeah. Okay. Well and you know, if you’re their first appointment, sometimes it’s really common, right? Just remember, it’s not about closing everybody. It’s about closing everybody that can be closed efficiently, right? And the people that can’t be closed efficiently, triaging through them so that we’re not dominating the doctor’s time. It’s not a big deal when you’re not super, super busy with a lot of these surgeries, but once you get busier and busier, you know, a couple of patients that get through, you know, an hour in a day or 30 minutes doctor time every day. So that’s- that’s a lot. That’s a big investment into somebody’s time. If you know that they’re not qualified to make a purchase. I don’t want to make that investment right from a business standpoint. Cool.

Participant 2: We actually just had a- sorry…

Participant 3: It’s okay.

Participant 2: We actually just had a situation that was very similar to what we just watched. But the patient I triaged over the phone like she said, I’m aware that this is going to cost about $60,000. So I was like perfect where we got this. Well, we were talking she’s like, I know it’s I know that this is expensive. Why we got all the way through everything and I was like, alright, let’s go ahead and schedule. She’s like, I’m ready to schedule. I want my teeth before the new year. I was like, all right, let’s get you on the books, scheduling her, I’m like, how much are you- It’s like, how much are you willing to pay today? And she’s like, well, I’m gonna have to look into financing, we did that. She didn’t get approved. So we kind of left it at she’s like, I’m doing this. I’m going to figure it out. I didn’t give her the funding sheet. So I’m going to email that over to her now and just be like, hey, I forgot to give you this, but do you have any other advice on like, what? I mean? I- I’ve, she’s so excited and I feel like she’s gonna I don’t know if she’s going to find the funds, I’m hopeful but I’m not-

Bart: Why didn’t she get approved?

Participant 2: Credit scores. Like she said that after I did it, She’s like, oh, yeah, like 560 credit score or something else. Like, okay. Well, you know, there’s other options for you and she’s like, I’m going to talk to some people but I guess this is what you would do next is just kind of Center the funding worksheet and just say-

Bart: I would ask her how much she can pay. I wouldn’t make it sound like, look, you know, there’s a lot of people that come in to get the financing. There’s a lot of people that don’t get the financing just because of the interest rate sometimes and they’d rather just pay cash. Even if it’s like a stretcher, you have to pay for it over two or three payments, right? Two or three chunk payments. They’d rather do that and just save the money on the interest. So it’s not a big deal. But let’s just say right if you have a 550 or 560. Let’s say we can’t get you approved. Worst-case scenario. What do you have to actually put down on treatment? Because for me, hey, maybe it’s not 60 anymore. Maybe she says she has 30, but if she says, I can put down 20 or 30, damned if she’s getting out of there or not without buying something for 20 or 30, you know what I mean? So, always ask them like specifically coz some people will like oh, well, if I’m not going to do the full amount, I’m just going to wait until I can do the full amount. I don’t want them thinking like that because sometimes waiting until the full amount, means that I’m gonna- I’m gonna lose the case when I could do half the case right now. I can do one Arch or I can do the surgery, the surgery, and the provisional on one. Arch. I can do a traditional denture on the- on the upper or whatever it is but ask them specifically.

Especially if they preemptively, tell you guys. Hey, I don’t have good credit. I don’t know if I’m going to get approved. Say, okay. Well, look, you know, we’ve got some different options that are really aggressive to some subprime lenders. So I’m going to try it. But in the event that we can’t get you approved. It doesn’t mean that we can’t help you. Give me an idea. If you’re not approved, what you can start with, what kind of payment can you make? So, maybe if it’s not 60,000, is it 50, 40, 30, 20. Give me an idea of what you can pay because we might be able to start with one phase of the treatment, we might be able to tweak the treatment. The main thing is we need to get you to the point where you can eat, you can smile and you’re moving in the right direction. That’s what’s most important. Not that you do everything all at once. But that you’re moving in the right direction. Makes sense because maybe that particular person has 15 grand. Maybe they have 20 grand. It’s a 20 grand in 60. That’s, you know, big, big, big difference, you know what I mean? You can do the surgery in a provisional one Arch a denture on the other Arch, and get all the extractions out of the way. The bone reduction, you can make a lot of ground for 20 or 25,000. If they have that kind of cash and then you want to make sure are they filling out the, uh, you’re running through proceeds, and lending Point all that?

Participant 2: Yeah. Yeah.

Bart: You’re doing it for him?

Participant 2: I did it for him. Yeah.

Bart: Okay.

Participant 2: And then hit it right on the spot.

Bart: Make sure that their household income is the household income as well, everybody not just their personal income because the credit score is a big part of it. But also that that debt to income ratio.

Participant 2: Yeah, I think there’s was strictly credit, but I did ask her, any other income coming in but I think it was really just her credit score on this, but I’m going to follow up with her and also talk to her about starting with one Arch, maybe because we didn’t even discuss that because she just wanted to do it all. But I didn’t go so well.

Bart: So what they want, what they want, what they need, and then what they can pay for. I need to find out all three of those. Because if what they- what they can pay for, it doesn’t line up with the first two, then I got to change the first two, I got to change them. Whether if I have to change it to just provisionalizing one, Arch, and doing it for 15 or 16,000 to get them going. Well, I’m going to do that. You know what I mean? Because that’s 15, 16 Grand sitting right there. So keep that in mind and be specific. It’s always the same way with negotiating with people, right?

Well, Okay, I want to do it, right. I need to get payments. I don’t have good credit. Okay. Well, if you don’t get approved, how much money do you have to pay towards it, right? Because if it’s not the 60 if it’s something different, it doesn’t mean we’re sunk. I can take what was what is 60,000 without even changing the treatment plan and we can phase it out to make it affordable for you. If you have- if you have credit challenges or problems, you know, getting funding for a loan. The most important thing is that you don’t walk out in the same situation that you walked in. So sometimes we have to just work towards the 60, for you know, six months or a year or two or three years, but the main thing is, we get you in a better situation. So I’m totally willing to kind of cater this to fit your needs. But what ball Parker, are you in? Cash Wise, if you have to pay cash, could you pay? 50, 30, 15, 20, give me an idea what you can pay in case you don’t get financed that way. We’ll have a plan B. Cool? Guys, any other questions, anything else happen that you guys have questions about any other weird things in consultations or anything? Those were really good ones. Thank you for that.

Participant 3: Hey Bart, we’re getting a lot of, uh, like a ton of no-shows, the past week or two, and Heather and I were talking or wondering if maybe we should do, uh, like the first ten over the phone and then give them the option of coming in, uh, for the in-person consultation after that to really weed out those that are just kind of, you know, thinking about it or, you know, just on a whim. What are your thoughts?

Bart: [clears throat] Well, a lot of times, if there, if you see a spike in no show, I would just wonder, are they when they’re calling in and scheduling? Are they asking specific questions about price over the phone? If they’re asking specific questions about price or the phone and we’re telling something like on, you need to come in right for a CT and then we can kind of go through it or whatever or we’re just quoting them a price over the phone if they get information and they think that’s not going to be the option anymore, sometimes instead of saying No, thank you, bye, they’ll just schedule it and then just no show. So I’m not sure if it’s because people are asking about price or it’s because we’re just taking a limited amount of information and scheduling as quickly as possible. But I want whoever’s answering the phone to be training with you guys. So if they ask…

Participant 3: That’s- that’s me, I’m the one who sets the consult up. So I asked them, you know, detailed what’s going on, explain it to me, I explain the consultations. I try to create some sort of urgency as fast as I can over the phone. Uhm, and, you know, we do get no-shows from time to time for store. But lately, it’s been it like an influx.

Bart: Are they asking for price? The people that are no show?

Participant 3: Uh not- not all the time, now. And I always say, you know, if you done any research, how are you playing, you know, on- on financing this. So you looking at monthly payments, you know, I try to really get my head around. Will, who am I talking to? What kind of person am I talking to?

Bart: Hmm?

Participant 3: Not all the time. I mean most of the time sometimes I’m offer forget or whatever, but I’m just wondering if we met maybe do some sort of, uh, first 10 over the phone if that will help weed people out?

Bart: The more information, you get over the phone, the more you connect with the patient, the better the show rate is going to be but also creating a little bit of scarcity in urgency, sometimes, because we’re trying to cater to the patient so much, we make it sound like the appointment is no big deal, right? Like, hey, you know, it’s a free consultation when works, we can get you in blah, blah blah. And- and sometimes it’s like, hey, you know, we do a free consultation only for this specific type of case, for people, only for like full mouth implant options, and the doctors generally booked out, you know, almost three weeks.

But you know what? Let me see what I can do to try to squeeze you in. I’m going to take a look this week. You don’t have a problem coming in immediately. Do you? No, okay. Look I’m going to see if I can move some things around. I’m gonna see if I can squeeze you in. Take a look at the schedule. It’s Wednesday today, you know what? I might be able to create… an opening… on, I might be able to get you in tomorrow morning to 10 or 11 O’clock if you can do that. And I try to you almost want to create a little bit of scarcity about the appointment so they deem that it’s important, right? And if you’re moving things around, they’re going to feel like a jerk if they’d not show, right?

So they’re going to have that, you’re going to create a little bit of reciprocity there with them, if it’s like worth nothing and there’s abundance, they don’t feel so bad about not showing up. So I try to tell them right? Even like with- with my appointments with doctors, when I have people calling in to confirm, they don’t call in and say, hey, just confirming, you have a 3 O’clock consultation with Bart today? They’ll say hey just wanted to call and let you know Bart spent a couple hours this morning. He wanted to let you know and let the doctor know he’s got everything prepared and ready to go. And you think she’s going to be really excited and he’s looking forward to speaking with you at 2 O’clock. So we’ll see you then. Right? It’s different if I’m working for two hours in the morning and you no, show and no call, that’s extremely rude, you know what I mean?

Participant 3: Yeah.

Bart: So the way of- the way of confirming in the way of like kind of selling a consultation, anytime you have something free. It’s a good idea to create value around it somehow and an easy way to do that is with scarcity and- and showing them that hey, you know, I’m going to try to work you in here, but there’s not an endless supply of consultations that needs to be the perception and that can really help the other way. The other reason why they might not show is they ask you questions and you answer them directly and it wasn’t the answers they were looking for but they just went ahead and they went ahead and scheduled even though maybe we told him our, it’s going to be 25,000.

They went ahead and scheduled but they were also calling for five other doctors at the same time and they got prices of 21 and 22 and 18, right? So most of the time, it’s just like making reservations at a restaurant, right? If they may- sometimes people will make reservations at three, just see if they can get them. Most of the time, people don’t call and cancel. They just go to the one that they think is the best price and they just no-show on the rest typically because it’s easier than calling and saying, no, you know what I mean?

Participant 3: Yeah. Well, how do you feel about just point blank coming out and saying after you obviously build a rapport over the phone and you’re getting some information Point Blank? Saying, look, you know if I get you in and you are a candidate, which would be fantastic if you are. Are you ready? Are you ready for this change in your life? Are you ready to move forward, uh, and we can talk about the next steps after we meet that kind of thing? Like that kind of conversation. Like Point Blank asking them Is this something that you’re ready to do financially and you know, everything else. So…

Bart: I wouldn’t personally bring up the financing on the phone if they don’t bring it up.

Participant 3: Okay.

Bart: You know, we’re not creating an obstacle that doesn’t exist. and the fact that they’re calling you already. Kind of tells me that they’re ready to do something, especially if it’s a second or third opinion, but what I want to know, specifically is what specifically are they looking for, right? We don’t know what their pain points are, how it’s negatively affecting them and what they’re looking for. The more that you can do, over the phone, the better shot you have of them coming in. That’s why a lot of doctors if they’ve been to like the scheduling Institute or something. They train office team members to say less over the phone and just schedule and that’s okay for cleanings and cavities and crowns and stuff.

But for full Arch, right where they might be calling two, three, four different practices that sale has already started right over the phone and, uh, you know, the first head, you know, it. So don’t overthink it if you’re in, if you don’t have something going on right there and you’re in conversation with the patient just move right along with it and then if they want to talk about money, get their budget, right? They want to know how much this is. You want to know how what their budget is, right? If they have a low budget, you want to know if they have the ability to get financing, right? You can take their information, run their credit, and get them approved right there over the phone. So, you know, the first ten, it doesn’t matter if I’m selling over the phone or in-person, you can do it. It’s only the people that are answering the phone that haven’t been through the training that I try to say just get them scheduled.

Participant 3: Right.

Bart: What I mean, but you know it. So, it doesn’t matter over the phone or in-person for you, right?

Participant 3: Okay.

Bart: Cool?

Participant 3: Mm-hmm

Bart: Okay. Awesome. As anybody else have anything, before we wrap it up? No? Hey Courtney. You did a good job on that. You really did. I saw exactly what you were trying to do.

Courtney: Thank you.

Bart: And- you really did, you really did. Sometimes it feels like it can feel a little comfortable to be super direct. Just understand when they’ve already been through multiple consultations. They like it, when people cut to the Chase and are really direct, they actually like it. They actually prefer it. And it’ll- it’ll save the doctor time as well, and I will say that everybody involved time, but I think you did a really good job and a lot of what you were trying to do. And actually, in the doctor did a really good job in a lot of the things that he was saying to. So there’s a lot of really good- really good takeaways so you can tell Dr. Gilbert that he’s doing good.

Courtney: I will do it. He’ll smile ear to ear [laughing].

Bart: Keep him on track too, okay?


Bart: Alright, awesome. Well if nobody has anything else, you know, finish out the year really, really strong and we’ve got some awesome things that we’re working on for next year, and, uh, just from watching all the videos and speaking with you guys every time we make little tweaks and adjustments to the 10-10-10. We’re going to roll out some different triage methods and loops next year as well. Uhm, so the whole thing is just going to get more and more efficient, but I appreciate all the hard work and it’s been really fun watching you guys grow over the course of this year and do better and better and better. So just remember if you have questions, ask them, right? Ask them. If you have situations that you didn’t get a good outcome.

It’s no big deal. I’m just kind of look back on it. And then ask questions we have discussions about it and move forward, but make sure that you guys take a look on the website of the power days for next year. Make sure you get signed up for them because it’s at the power days, which we can really kind of roll out and spend a whole day working on a new loop, working on a new script- script, a new language pattern. So make sure that you guys go online and go ahead and get scheduled for whichever power days you’re going to attend next year, cool? All right, other than that go close. Somebody make some money. Good job, Courtney. Thanks for that video. It’s awesome. See you guys. Buh bye.


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