Why Oral Surgeons Can’t Close Price Shoppers

Why Oral Surgeons Can’t Close Price Shoppers

Why Oral Surgeons Can’t Close Price Shoppers

We are all people. We want to know what the best price is based on anything that we are buying. With many oral surgeons, many deals and price adjustments have been done before clients ever walk through the door. This makes the one-time sticker price relatively shocking, especially when a client does not know what deals they are already getting.

This quickly leads to a misconception about price shoppers. But there is a very different reality, “the reality is that price shoppers are almost the easiest ones to close.”

Breaking The Misconception

When it comes to the world of oral surgery, the traditional way for an oral surgeon to garner new patients is through referrals. Whilst this is still true, oral surgeons are losing out in the implant market. Simply put, If you're not dealing with the price shoppers then you're probably not getting very many leads. You're not doing very many arches.

Price shoppers are already being pre-sold on treatment options that are right for them by their general dentists. Their general dentists tell them they need treatments and rattle off a big number but how are they supposed to understand if that number is accurate? If it is high or low? Price shoppers are more interested in what the fair market value is for something rather than getting the best deal for their implants.

Closing A Deal with A Price Shopper

Joe Schmo’s practice and Jane Doe’s practice having a small difference in their price is not going to make or break a price shopper’s interest in having the implant done. This makes the question: what are they getting for the price of their implants?

Because specialized dentistry is used in the referral game, the deals on the pricing for a full arch dental implant are already baked into the overall price. Showing the client, the value they are getting through is super beneficial because it shows them how much they are saving. If a full arch implant at your practice is $30,000 and you break down how you save on those costs and save the client 15%, or however much overall, they are going to respond better to that than an already adjusted down price.

When the great price for the implant is the starting price, that puts you in a very weak position when it comes to negotiating. That’s why taking what you are already doing and breaking it down in a simple to understand way puts you in a stronger position for negotiation because all your cards are transparently on the table.

Ready For Better Marketing Practices?

Learning how to negotiate can be difficult. Luckily, we here at Progressive Dental Marketing are experts in curating high-quality content for social media as well as guiding dental practices to making the best content they can.

Interested in learning more about closing high-dollar cases? Attend The Closing Institute and learn how to predictably scale implant production by implementing advanced marketing and sales strategies from the leading experts in the industry! With courses in Clearwater, FL and Las Vegas, NV, this isn’t just theory. This is a tried and true method to grow your full arch production and develop your team to strategically and consistently close high-revenue, dental implant procedures.

Dental specialists interested in learning more about Progressive Dental Marketing's award-winning services and continuing education seminars are invited to contact the dental marketing company in Clearwater, FL. Progressive Dental Marketing can be reached by calling (727) 286-6211 or by visiting progressivedentalmarketing.com. Or feel free to explore our website and the several case studies we have!

If you are interested in hearing more from Bart Knellinger, come to one of our upcoming dental continuing education courses. Visit boostfullarchcases.com today to reserve a spot for you and your team!

Progressive Dental is more than just a marketing company, we are a company located in Clearwater, FL dedicated to dental practice growthOur team was founded on creativity, collaboration and hard work. We are constantly evolving and are passionate about providing the best suite of dental marketing services for our clients. They are the reason we jump out of bed!

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