Progressive Dental Marketing Wins Award of Excellence for Dental Videography

Progressive Dental Marketing Wins Award of Excellence for Dental Videography

Progressive Dental Marketing’s Videography department won the Award of Excellence in the Cultural Video category from the 23rd annual Videographer Awards. The Videographer Awards is one of the oldest and most well-respected award programs within the video industry. Progressive Dental Marketing specializes in dental marketing and advertising services with a heavy focus on capturing emotional and compelling video to showcase a practice’s services, culture, testimonials and unique advantage.

“The treatment dentists provide for their patients can be life-changing. The opportunity to exhibit the dedication and compassion of a doctor and their team is incredibly rewarding,” says Progressive Dental Marketing videographer, Sam Tilly. “Our video team works hard to capture and share these life-changing stories with the world. Nothing tells their story better than video.”

With hundreds of entries into the Videographer Awards every year, the organization offers 65 different award categories for video production. Progressive Dental Marketing’s videography team received the Award of Excellence, the highest tier of awards possible, for their work with Dr. Dean Kois and his team at Kois Dentistry. The winning cultural video was shot at the dental practice’s office by Tilly and Ian Crenshaw. The editing for the video was done by Tilly as well. The videos for each category were judged on the ability to communicate the message with excellence and exceed industry standards in quality. The dental marketing cultural video achieved these requirements, and more, with distinction.

The cultural video is one of the most important aspects of a company’s dental marketing plan as it highlights who the practice’s dentists and specialists are, what their goals are, and showcases results and testimonials directly from real patients. These videos include interviewing the doctors, patients and staff, as well as capturing footage around the practice of the technology, treatments and patient care. Afterward, all the video footage must be edited together for consistency, composition, seamless transitions, sound and to tell the story that reflects the dental practice best. Often, the videography team spends dozens of hours working on just one cultural video from start to finish.

Based in Clearwater, FL, Progressive Dental Marketing is a marketing and advertising firm that specializes in positioning dental practices as the authorities in their field. As the leaders in this niche marketing space, this team helps clients across the country, as well as internationally, reach their goals. The company offers dental marketing services including website design and development, ADA CERP- and AGD PACE-approved continuing education courses, as well as custom photography and videography. The Videography department at Progressive Dental Marketing travels across the nation to work with doctors, their teams and real patients within the practice’s office. This dedicated team also works closely with past and current patients of the dental practice to capture testimonials and showcase raw before and after results.

Dentists, periodontists, oral surgeons or any other dental specialty looking to enhance their web presence and have their own cultural video shoot are welcome to contact the dental marketing and advertising firm in Clearwater, FL to speak with the marketing and advertising experts. Progressive Dental Marketing can be reached by calling 727-286-6211.

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