How to Market to the 3 Most Common Types of Dental Patients

How to Market to the 3 Most Common Types of Dental Patients
Have you been wondering about the best ways to market to your dental patients? Getting the results, you want from a marketing campaign may be easier than you think if you know who your target patient is. By understanding the three most common types of patients you see in your practice, you can create more specific marketing messages for each, ultimately bringing more revenue for you and a better experience for your patients.
  1. Take-Charge Patients. If you don’t already, you will most likely have patients who are the proactive type. These patients know the importance of preventive care and schedule their appointments as recommended. They most likely will also have dental insurance and will be looking to bring all their family members to the right practice. Keep your website and social accounts updated and full of educational information, tips and tricks, and other content related to oral health and preventive care. 
  1. Last-Resort Patients. Every practice has reactive patients or the patients who wait until their dental problems are severe before they schedule an emergency appointment. While these patients most likely won’t be the majority, you can provide great service and education to encourage them to schedule more routine care. Sharing stories of patients whose oral health you have restored after major dental problems can also help these last-resort patients decide to come to your practice—and become more regular patients. 
  1. Perfect-Smile Patients. The most ideal patients are those who both care about the health of their smile and how it looks aesthetically. These patients routinely come in for their dental check-ups but are also willing to spend more on cosmetic procedures to perfect their smile. These patients are looking for the artistry as well as the technical skill of a dentist. Showcase your cosmetic makeovers in your office and on your social media accounts to entice these patients to receive services from you and refer others for the same treatments.
Marketing to the different types of patients can seem complex, but with the right tools, resources, and strategy, you can see results! If you’re not sure where to begin or need professional marketing, talk with one of our practice growth specialists today by calling 727-286-6211.
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