The Closing Institute - Full Arch Sales Critique

July, 2023

Press Play

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Audience member: How do you, what?

Bart: Hello, hello. What’s up, guys? Happy 4th. Happy 4th. Does everybody have a good 4th of July?

Audience: We did. Thank you.

Bart: Awesome. Awesome. I had an eventful one. Actually, we all did. We all did a progressive demo over here. But a little fireworks show go awry on my dock, but [laughter] we’re all good. I’m sure you’ll see a video. [laughter] Just letting everybody sign on here. [indistinctive background conversation] I’m just giving everybody a minute to sign on, and then we will get going.

Audience member: All right. Yeah, he’s gonna watch it off.

Bart: Guys, we’re gonna be reviewing a call today, um, a video. And I think you’re gonna like it because this is a, a really good example of how we go through into a bundle close and reach a financial objection that we couldn’t overcome with financing, and then, um, back down to a different product. Right? Without losing the deal. So, this is gonna give you a really good example of that. And there’s, there are some things that we can learn from it. Um, couple of things that could have been done a little bit differently also, but the end result was really, really good. So, everybody– the, the volume is a little bit down on this one, so make sure that you guys have your volume all the way up so that you can hear everything. And then any particular questions you have, just type them in and I’ll get to them. But I’m gonna go ahead and get started with this. We’re gonna do a little bit of the first 10 all over to the second 10, and then I’m gonna show you guys the close. Okay. Now, keep in mind this isn’t a second opinion here. This, uh, this patient, this is his very first appointment. Okay. Okay, here we go.

[playing video]

Patient: Uh, pretty much eating. And then, ’cause like I say, now, it’s pretty much only on my right side ’cause I only have the one tooth over this way [crosstalk] I pulled that one. So, now, I can’t really even eat on my left side.

Alicia: Okay. Okay.

Patient: Uh, so, I’m primarily on my right side. And then, my own personal reason is to be able to move up from where I’m at within the company and stuff like that. I need to-

Alicia: Okay. What do you, what do you do for work?

Patient: Uh, I work for Comcast as a network operations supervisor. But if I want to go up and grow, yeah, I think I need time.

Alicia: [laughter] Nice way to put it.

Patient: Yeah.

Alicia: All right, my friend. Perfect.

Patient: Those, they are the things that are gone.

Alicia: Yeah. All right, let’s see here. All right. So, are you mainly focused then on the upper teeth?

Patient: Yeah, the uppers.

Alicia: Okay.

Patient: Yeah, mostly on the uppers. Uh, really, I haven’t had really hardly any issues except for, uh, I know I need to get in for a deep clean and all that for my lower.

Alicia: For the lower, okay.

Patient: Yeah. But other than that, it’s mostly my uppers.

Alicia: Perfect. Perfect. All right. Let’s see here. All right. So, for the upper, we do have, um, a couple of different options, okay?

Patient: Mm-hmm.

Alicia: So, the first option, um…

Patient: Sorry, I don’t like being obese[?].

Alicia: No, that’s okay. Is this your first consultation or have you-

Patient: Mm-hmm.

Alicia: Yeah. Okay.

Patient: Yeah.

Alicia: So, two different options for uppers, so-

[pausing video]

Bart: Okay. So, a couple of things right off the bat. Um, so she came in, she stated her opinion. You guys didn’t hear it, but she, she stated her intention, um, and then kind of went right into the first call. But a couple of things, if you guys are gonna do it in an operatory, right? If the consultation’s gonna take place in an operatory, you want to try to make sure that you’re making eye contact with the patient, you know? To be honest, you’re at a disadvantage doing it this way because they’re facing kind of straight ahead. She’s sitting off to the side and there could be something in front of them. If there’s anything in front of them, distracting them, it’s just gonna become that much more difficult for you guys to get into rapport and build trust. Ideally, if I’m speaking with you, I want you right in front of me, looking at me, and making eye contact the whole time. I definitely don’t want, I wanna try to avoid talking to you while, you know, I’m doing something on the other side of the room or even talking without looking at you. You know, that’s how, that’s how you build rapport and that’s how you show, project confidence, right? In terms of communicating.

And when someone’s telling you, like the guy said, “Hey,” you know, “I’m trying to move up and I’m a supervisor and I’m gonna move up here. I’m having a little trouble eating.” You know, those are good things that you want to let them, you want to let him talk a little bit more about that. Ask some questions, be interested in it. Because the more he talks about all of that, the more emotionally bought in he’s going to be to do the treatment, okay? Plus, remember, like whatever the options are now, it doesn’t matter what the options are at this point. Doctor hasn’t come in, we don’t have a diagnosis, none of that’s been done, so the options don’t matter.

The only thing that matters is understanding where he is currently and what he wants, how he wants to function, how he wants to feel, how he wants to look. Right? And all of those things tie back to him moving up as a supervisor, being in a leadership position and how everything, um, you know, just how all of these different things can affect your image and your confidence, which is obviously not what you want when you move up into a leadership role. So, he offered up, even though he was pretty, um, a matter of fact, and abrupt, he offered up quite a bit of valuable information that you guys can use in the close. Right? His motivation is eating, and then, obviously, his appearance and how other people view him professionally.

[playing video]

Alicia: The first option would be a conventional denture. Okay? Um, which with conventional dentures, you know, you do have to put a lot of adhesives in for them to stay. There are a lot of adjustments that need to be made as well.

Patient: And you talk funny?

Alicia: And yeah, sometimes you talk funny. Yeah.

Patient: Figured that with the partial.

Alicia: Oh, yeah. So, you kind of got part of it, right?

Patient: Yeah.

Alicia: Yeah. So then, the other option would be a fixed bridge.

Patient: Mm-hmm.

Alicia: Okay. So, what this is is you come in– we basically call it teeth in one day. Um, so you’ll come in, you’ll be sedated, so you’re fully comfortable. Um, the doctor removes all the teeth.

[pausing video]

Bart: Keep in mind, this is kind of the… this is the way that almost all the practices are going to do it, guys. And this is the biggest mistake in the first 10 minutes that you can make. Because we just kind of set it up to where, “Okay, well, you got three options, pick one” type of a thing. There are three options. Here’s this one, here’s this one, here’s this one. What do you want? And the problem with that is that when they’re looking at three different options, thinking, “What do you want?” A lot of times, they’re not, they’re not focused on the outcome. A lot of times, they can focus on other things, right? They can focus on, “Okay, well, how much is this one versus that one or that one versus this one?” And the price and the options start kind of formulating their opinion, um, in terms of what they think they want.

So, what they want, what this guy wants is to not be in that chair right now. That’s what he wants. So the process isn’t important. The outcome is important. So, the – the thing that’s critical in the first 10, guys, is that you stay away from talking about options because based on what he wants, maybe talking about dentures is a complete waste of everybody’s time at this point, right? If he says, functions really important, I want a solid, uh, I want to be able to bite into solid foods, I want a high degree of function, you know, a 10 out of 10 or a 9 out of 10. The-the second he says that, what’s the point in talking about dentures? You know what I mean? So, it just kind of starts to waste time and distract them from the, from the, whatever it is, whatever the treatment plan is that we’re going to be recommending.

But right now, I just want them to the point where this guy says, waiting makes no sense and I have to end up doing something. Right? It’s only gonna get more expensive and everything’s gonna deteriorate more if I do nothing. So doing nothing makes no sense. What am I going to do? Well, that depends on-on how you wanna look, feel, and function. So, let’s talk about how you wanna look, feel, and function, and you start talking to them about that. And that’s gonna lead you to one thing, one treatment plan, not three. Right? Just one. We wanna make it as simple as possible and, and, and, uh, as straight as a line as possible. Fast forward through this just a little bit, guys.

[playing video]

Patient: That you were able to do this. I had my jaw broken, I went down to San Francisco, so…

Alicia: Oh, my gosh.

Patient: …my jaw got broke, missed went to… Then they’re like, “Okay, we’re just gonna do the little bridge part.” And then they did the bridge part, and then now, it’s been nothing but, “Okay, come on back in. We’re gonna do this, we’re gonna save this, we’re gonna do this.” And it’s just like, “Why the heck am I doing this?” ‘Cause now, I can’t even stand having any metal or anything, people messed around my mouth[?].

Alicia: Yeah.

Patient: And that’s one of those things of, okay, I’m, that’s my sweat.

Alicia: Yeah. No.

Patient: I’m done. I’m done.

Alicia: Yeah, [laughter] Yeah, no, I – I don’t blame you.

Patient: I – I pulled that part, I’m done. And then the last one was, okay, yeah, these are loose. And they just jerked them out and said, “Okay, we’ll be back.” And then they’re like, “Here’s a partial.” And I’m like, “And what are you guys doing?” They’re like, “Well, we can’t save them, so they’re just pulled.” And now, this one, I can’t even eat off of cuz it’s wiggling so bad ’cause there’s no stability around it. It’s like, done. Done, done, done.

Alicia: Yeah. Got it. Yeah. Yeah. No, makes sense. Of course [crosstalk]

Patient: [inaudible]

Alicia: What happened in San Francisco? How did… uh, if you don’t mind me asking.

Patient: Just went down for a Seahawk game and afterwards, we, me and a buddy were walking away out downtown by a bar. And-and I walked outside, I had a cigarette at the time, and a guy just sucker punched me.

Alicia: ‘Cause you’re in a Seahawks jersey?

Patient: No, I didn’t even have it on.

Alicia: No?

Patient: It was after the game.

Alicia: What?

Patient: Yeah, it was after the game.

Alicia: Oh, my gosh.

Patient: And they won. And it was like, okay. So, yeah, flying back on the plane with my teeth up against the top. [crosstalk]

Bart: We got a wild, wild fan.

Alicia: Oh, my goodness.

Bart: Wild fan over here. I’ll fast-forward up to the doctor’s part. Okay. [skipping video] Here comes the Doctor.

[playing video]

Dr. Lee: How long have you been with Comcast?

Patient: Oh, 26 years.

Dr. Lee: Oh, right. Wow. Yeah. I know it’s a huge company. What, what department do you…

Patient: Uh, the network.

Dr. Lee: Okay. Okay.

Patient: So, everything from the head end, all the way to the [inaudible]. Yeah. All fiber, all of that stuff.

Dr. Lee: It’s uh, you think fiber optics coming everywhere eventually?

Patient: Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. We, we already have it out there, just need more of it to make it better, faster. Yeah. All the good stuff.

Dr. Lee: Yeah, it’s inevitable.

Patient: Yeah, yeah. Right, right on the edge of everything. So, it’s a good thing.

Dr. Lee: Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. Oh, I look forward to it. Um, so, here you are. Um, you know, I think, uh, at least you shared with me a crazy story about your trip to San Francisco.

Patient: Mm-hmm.

Dr. Lee: Did that got to do, anything to do with your teeth also with the damage or upfront?

Patient: Yeah, upfront. They were set. Yeah. Cuz this was all the way pushed back to my up underneath and then…

Dr. Lee: Do they have to pull some of those teeth? Is that why you got the brace?

Patient: Uh, they didn’t pull anything, they just jerked everything for…

[pausing video]

Bart: Something else to keep in mind, um, for the doctors, like when they’re coming in to do the second 10, um, I wouldn’t put the CT right up on the screen in the beginning because you want them looking at you and paying attention to you. Right? And, and this doctor’s doing a great job of building rapport, but you can tell, something’s up on the screen so they’re kind of talking to each other, looking at it just because it’s there. So, you don’t want any distractions right in the beginning, you just want them looking at you. And then when he wants to reference it, well, turn it on. And now, we’re gonna talk about, you know, what I’ve seen, what I think you’re a candidate for, what’s going on. But at least in the beginning, don’t have it up there already ’cause it just is enough, it’s just enough distraction to make it a little bit less personal. Um, but, I mean, overall, the doctor seems to be connecting really, really well.

[playing video]

Patient: [inaudible] and…

[pausing video]

Bart: What is it?

Audience member: For persuasion, I’ve heard giving patients options allows them to compare and then helps them make a decision based on what you’re saying that does the opposite. So, just stick with one while focusing on the outcome.

Bart: I didn’t, what’s the question?

Audience member: Based on what you’re saying that giving them multiple options is the opposite of making them do a decision.

Bart: Mm-hmm.

Audience member: So, you’re saying to just stick with one treatment recommendation.

Bart: Yeah, there should, yeah. You don’t want to give them multiple options ’cause then, they’re making their mind up. That’s not their job. It’s not to decide what the treatment is. Their job is to tell you what they want as far as a clinical outcome. And your job is to tell ’em how you’re going to treat them to achieve a clinical outcome. And you can’t achieve the same clinical outcome in three different ways. If you could, you wouldn’t offer them, right? You wouldn’t have three different options that all achieved the same thing. So, all of the options are going to produce a different clinical outcome. And what has to happen is that the clinical outcome is what you agree on with the patient. And then it’s your job to explain to the patient how you’re going to get from point A to point B. And there’s one best way to do that. That’s all. So, you don’t want the, uh, the tail wagging the dog where we’re just talking about treatments, treatments, treatments. Here you go, you’re a candidate for all of these things. Pick one. And then we just, we don’t talk about the clinical outcomes, you know? So, um, it’s just much more simple and much more, uh, it just makes a lot more sense.

[playing video]

Patient: They’re probably gonna die[?].

Dr. Lee: How long ago was this?

Patient: About 11 years.

Dr. Lee: Okay.

Patient: And then they’ve been trying anything and everything to save the teeth, and I’m like, “Okay, I, I’m done. I can’t, I can’t do it.” I wish it would’ve, you guys would’ve just went, “Okay, it’s broke, it’s fixed, this part’s healed. Let’s just pull everything and get you something.” Just because it’s been nothing but pain.

Dr. Lee: Yes. So, I think you’re telling me that, Hey doc, I’m at the point where I don’t wanna try to save these teeth and spend more money on it and go and end up with exactly where I started. I’m just tired of it.

Patient: I can’t do it. I have phobias now of metal in my mouth and people being around my mouth. And that’s why I’m very sweaty.

Dr. Lee: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I commend you for just showing up and having a talk. I know it’s a big step.

Patient: Well, it’s, yeah.

Dr. Lee: Yeah. And today, we’re having a conversation. Again, my job is to go over the facts with you, see what I see, and then give you the options that are available, right? So you can make an informed decision. And Alicia will go over the financial aspect of things. And I want all the patients who are proceeding with the treatment to be clear with everything that you’re getting into, right? So that, before you go and jump into it, right? Does that make sense?

Patient: Yep. Makes complete sense.

Dr. Lee: Um, so, I know we’re focused on the upper teeth right now.

Patient: Mm-hmm.

[pausing video]

Bart: I really want everybody to stick to that simple equation, right? Forget, like, I know it’s kind of embedded in everybody in dentistry, right? I want to give you your options and let you make the decision, but it’s not appropriate for the patient to decide on the treatment. You know what I mean? Yeah, they can pick one, but if what they’re choosing is going to give them an outcome different than what they think, that’s where you have problems with people. That’s where people come back and they’re upset, or people say, oh, they didn’t like this or they didn’t like that. It’s never been, it’s very rare that the doctor did something or the practice did something wrong. Most of the bad reviews and the upset patients that you see are actually people that the doctors bent over backwards to help, right? And they made a lot of concessions for a lot of these people.

Um, but patients will look at the options, look at the cheapest one and convince themself that the outcome is pretty much the same. So, they’ll buy the implant-supported denture, and in their head, they’re saying, “Well, it costs half as much,” or “This costs 11,000 compared to 25. Well, you know what? This is way better than what I have right now. I’m sure it’s pretty much the same. I’m just gonna go with this one.” And then, when they don’t like it, right then, then they’re upset. So, it’s not like, hey, you make an informed decision. You tell me where you, what you want to achieve. Right? We want to talk about and describe how you wanna look, how you wanna feel, how you wanna function every day, what you want in terms of maintenance, how important longevity is to you. And we’re gonna talk about these things. Right? And I’m gonna have an idea of what we’re working towards, and then I’m gonna put together a plan to achieve what we have discussed. Does that make sense?

Like, you go into a personal trainer and then, and they tell you, “Okay, I’ve got three different ways to work out, at three different prices. You pick one.” That’s not why you hire a personal trainer though. You hire a personal trainer so that you can tell the personal trainer, “Hey, this is what I wanna look like,” or “I’m training for an event, I need more cardiovascular,” or “I want to increase flexibility,” or whatever. But you’re always describing to a trainer the end goal, right? The-the future desired state of how you want to look and feel, and they come up with the workout plan and the frequency and the level of intensity to reach that goal within a certain period of time. Right?

And there’s no personal training in the world that’s gonna go, “Oh, which one do you want? You want this one or this one or this one?” They’re just gonna tell you, “Hey, this is what, this is how you need to work out to achieve these things. Anyone decent anyways.” You know? It’s the same thing. It’s the same thing with you guys. Same thing with me. Right? Doctors talk to me, it’s more, “Hey, where are you in the practice? What are your goals? And then I have to come up with a plan that I think is going to achieve those goals in a certain amount of time. Um, and, and that’s, that’s what we do.” So, just keep them. And it’s not like the patient can’t refuse one. They can. We can go to a different treatment plan, but before we do, we just have to restate the outcome that that treatment plan is going to produce. Because you don’t want the patients thinking that they’re buying implant-supported dentures, the treatment. They’re not. They’re buying the functionality and the aesthetics and the longevity that is associated with that particular treatment.

What they live with every day is what they buy. That’s what you have to talk about. And this is the hardest thing to drill into everybody’s mind ’cause everybody’s so honed in on talking about the treatments, grabbing those models, talking about dental implants. That’s just the process. That’s not the result. The result is the result. What are they gonna be in five years? Right? That’s what we’re selling. That or that’s what we need to be selling. And that’s what you want the patients, the patient focused on the most, not the treatment. Treatments are associated with price and fear. Especially when you’re talking to somebody that’s nervous, like this guy, clearly is. He said he has a phobia of it.

So, you wanna stay away from the treatments as much as possible. There’s no phobia that’s going to arise. There’s no anxiety that’s going to arise from talking to a patient about the-the future state, how they’re going to feel, how they’re gonna look and how they’re gonna function years down the road, and how it’s going to help them, how it’s gonna change your life and their quality of life in a positive manner. There are no negative emotions that are going to arise from that. So, that’s what you want the focus on. And then, you just back into the treatment. Right? Because these people could be candidates for 10. You could do a hundred different things that, clinically, they’re candidates for. It doesn’t mean I have to present all of them. Why talk about a treatment that, clinically, they’re a candidate for that’s not going to give them the result that they want? It doesn’t make any sense, right? It’s like me speaking with a doctor from an advertising standpoint. I could do anything. I could literally do anything if they’re gonna pay money. I could do anything. But it doesn’t matter. What matters is to talk about what I think is going to produce the result that we’ve spoken about.

So, just keep that in mind. It’s a tough habit to break. Um, but I hope that you guys can see the logic in it, right? Not only does it put too much on the patient’s plate, it makes them think too much. A lot of times, they’ll say, “Let me think about it. I’ll have to go home and weigh the options.” There are not three different options to reach the same destination, that doesn’t exist, so why present three? Okay, here we go.

[playing video]

Dr. Lee: So, just going over this, you have some bridge work there, I can see there are cavities forming underneath a lot of this grime [inaudible] there.

Patient: Yeah, and that one right there is actually broke.

Dr. Lee: Yeah. And you’re like, hey, I’m not getting another.

Patient: No.

Dr. Lee: That’s what you’re telling me right now.

Patient: No, I’m not.

Dr. Lee: And just going over there now, I’m here, I went study it. So, I’m drawing out where upper jo, uh, job instructor is.

Patient: Can someone bring models here?

Dr. Lee: So… so, we were, the-the ideal option is, in one day, my anesthesiologist, Rebecca, will put you to sleep completely, you’re knocked out, okay? And-and teeth, and then teeth will be removed. And we’re gonna utilize, upon every implant we place is computer-guided, which means we don’t guess where the implants go, we know exactly where it’s gonna go. And so that we know, ’cause we design your teeth, your smile first, and they’re gonna aline and they’ll put teeth. So, we call this ‘teeth in one day’ because with the, once all the teeth I got, we get to um, spread those implants in the right distance so that we can go ahead and we call it immediately loading.

Patient: Okay.

Dr. Lee: So, basically, get something like this, right?

Patient: Okay.

Dr. Lee: Okay. So, we designed it so that, uh, when you smile, your lip is gonna be like that, so you don’t show this transition. Does that make sense?

Patient: Yeah. Yeah. Didn’t show.

Dr. Lee: Yeah. Yeah. Um, and so, what we do is we make the temporary that sort of, it looks really good, you’re getting it the same day, and then we’ll let it heal for three months. What’s gonna happen is your gums will kind of shrink and it’ll create a little void underneath. That’s okay. And we make the final after gums tighten up and it’s finally healed. With this zirconia teeth implant, let me show you. It’s got some weight to it. Um, and I haven’t had a single zirconia break or fracture on me. I’ve been doing this for 10 years, okay? Um, and then this is what, uh, temporary looks like, which still looks really good. And it’s very strong. Okay?

Patient: Alright. Okay.

Dr. Lee: Makes sense?

Patient: Makes perfect sense.

Dr. Lee: Okay. Was there…

[pausing video]

Bart: The-the question that I have is, why, in particular, why are we recommending this option over any of the other options that he may be a candidate for at this point? That’s the main question, right? And what I would love to see is when the treatment coordinator did the first 10, the treatment coordinator already had asked the questions, “Hey, what do you want in terms of function? Scale one to 10. Aesthetic? Scale one to 10. Um, maintenance, do you want something that’s gonna be low maintenance? What do you want in terms of longevity? Are you the type of person that doesn’t mind if you, you know, are-are doing something every two or three years, something a little bit higher maintenance? Or you want to do something and get it done right and have that thing for as, as long of a period of time that, that you can possibly have it?”

Um, and if they already, if you already answered those questions, the doctor already knows. The doctor can come in and say, “Okay. Listen, I understand what’s really important for you as a supervisor is to drastically enhance aesthetically, right? Your smile. Give you a beautiful smile, but more importantly, something that looks natural. It looks real, it looks natural. And from a feel standpoint, it doesn’t feel, it feels as close to your natural teeth as you possibly can so that you can eat the foods that you want, you can function properly, have a high quality of life, and, uh, and just, and overall enhance your image. Is, is that what we’re going for?” Right? Or “Did I miss anything? Do you have anything to add to that?” Like, that right there, that anchor justifies the- the reason why I’m recommending all-on-4 zirconia. Right? For the aesthetic component of it, for the longevity, for the function, it ties everything back into where I’m not just pitching it.

Does that make sense? ‘Cause I’m not going to assume that, hey, what I believe is ideal, is ideal for you. We’re going to agree that this is the goal and this is how you wanna look and feel. And in order to do this, for these reasons, this is why I’m recommending all-on-4. This is why I’m recommending Zirconia. Right? Does that make sense, guys? So, you anchor it all right back to that. And then you’re never pushing anything on anyone. You know what I mean? Because it-it can, you can wind up in a situation where if you don’t tie it to the clinical outcome, if you don’t tie it to their quality of life, then why are you recommending it? Because they’re a candidate for more than just that.

Okay. So, you don’t wanna get in a situation where anybody feels like you’re pushing anything. And this guy doesn’t feel that way. I think, I feel like the doctor’s in very, very, very good rapport and I think he has it right. I think, if he was to ask those questions, this particular patient would give them the answers that would be consistent with full-large Zirconia. So, I think it’s going okay. Um, and it’s going well. You just, I-I hope everybody sees the difference there in just saying, “Hey, this is what I would do.” And then you have to sell the treatment. You have to sell the procedure. You’re selling features and benefits, you know? And, and that, that’s not it. You only, you just wanna match it. You wanna match the treatment to the outcome. And the outcome is what we’re selling, the treatment is the vehicle. It’s not that the patient can’t tell you how to get to the, to the destination. You do that part. It makes it more simple and it’s, uh, it’s that, that’s how high-end consultants sell.

You know, any type of high-end consultant is gonna sell very differently than somebody that’s selling a product. Product salesmen, they sell the product and they sell the features and the benefits. They tell you everything that the product can do and they’ll compare this product with that product and they’re experts on the product, the product, the product, but they get shocked left and right. And um, and sometimes, the end consumer can feel like, man, they’re really pushing this product hard. Consultants don’t do that. Consultants identify where you are, they identify the problem, and then they identify where you want to be, and they customize something to achieve a goal. A product… the-the goal for product salesmen is just to close whatever it is that they’re selling, close the deal. And it’s a very different mentality in dentistry, we have a very product-oriented mentality when we do consultations, for the most part, in general. Very oriented on features and benefits and different components of the, of the treatment, sequencing and getting into the technical aspects of it. Um, but it’s much easier, more simple. Um, it’s a better patient experience if you focus on the latter.

[playing video]

Dr. Lee: Was there a dentist you have been going regularly before, or?

Patient: No, not after they jerked my fangs.

Dr. Lee: Yeah.

Patient: I was like, nope. Not, not doing it. Then, this one just started…

Dr. Lee: And yeah, how’d you find this, through like…?

Patient: Oh, I just was flipping through Facebook and stuff like that, and you popped up and I was like, yeah, it’s fine.

Dr. Lee: Cool. Okay.

Patient: It’s fine.

Dr. Lee: Awesome. We’re local. Everything’s on here. We were assigned to different places. And-and so far, knock on wood, every case we worked out turned out really well. So, yeah.

Patient: Hit the wood right there.

Dr. Lee: Yeah. Any questions for me?

Patient: No. Just, just, well, just the price points and stuff like that. That’s pretty much all I have. I, I already know I’m done. That’s why I’m here. It’s like sweats and anxiety and all. That’s why I’m here.

Dr. Lee: [crosstalk] Right? So…

Patient: Yeah. The only time, the only thing I could eat is on my right side because this one, every time it starts going like this, it just bothers the crap out of me. And I’m like, okay, I’m done. I can get it done.

Dr. Lee: Yeah. Awesome. Okay. Uh, I mean, I think, we, we’re pretty confident we can do a great job for you. Again, it’s not 100% guaranteed but, doing this is not enough-

[pausing video]

Bart: And again, guys, when you’re going through what the primary recommendation is, and doctor’s going through it, it’s gonna say, you know, “This is what I would recommend to achieve the goals that we’ve spoken about. The material that I would choose, considering, uh, I would choose Zirconia for the simple reasons that I know chewing and your function is really important to you. This is gonna give you the maximum, this is gonna restore it as, as, as much as we possibly can. And it’s gonna be as durable as any material that we have.” And you just tie back the different features of the treatment. You tie it back to basically solving this guy’s pain points, right? How he looks, how he feels, and how he eats. And those are all the reasons why you’re recommending this, is to relieve his pain points and increase his quality of life. So, if you tie it all back, then the treatment makes sense and they don’t start saying, “Well, what other options do you have?” You know, you don’t want them thinking about all these different options. So, always remember, tie the treatment back to solving each, um, each of the patient’s pain points. If you’re gonna talk about the features, you use it to, to talk, talk about it as a solution to the pain points.

[playing video]

Dr. Lee: Got, you know, the bone structure there and could, that’s the good thing about keeping some of your teeth, is that it keeps the bone. Because we have patients who wear dentures, but some people are just pulling their dentures. Well, the downside is you’re gonna start losing bone.

Patient: Well, yeah, that’s why this is right here.

Dr. Lee: Sure. Yeah, yeah.

Patient: From when they did that. And it’s like, okay, I could tell ’cause I could just go around my gum and then it, it’s kinda alright. So, when we do pull and all that, that’s not gonna harm ’cause this is completely healed now. That was my main thing, not to… Okay, we’re jerking it back out and now you’re, yeah.

Dr. Lee: I wanna pull teeth in. There’s, like, when you’re pulling with a lot of, there are better ways to pull teeth ’cause you don’t want to damage the bone. And our-our goal is to pull that, prioritizing the bone ’cause we need that bone.

Patient: Yeah. And that’s how they [inaudible]. They jerk both of them and it’s like, “What the heck is going on?” “We, we can’t fix it.” ‘Cause they were just so… and they died off from the break. So, it’s like, all right.

Dr. Lee: So, was it, was it like a 49er?

Patient: Yeah. Well, I, my, my mind goes more towards-

Dr. Lee: I heard you weren’t wearing a Seahawk jersey.

Patient: It was just afterwards, had a sweatshirt on, and walked outside to have a cigarette ’cause I was smoking at the time. And I was like, okay. I was outside and I was talking to another Seahawk fan, he was outside, and then I noticed he, so it was like, ohh. And it happens.

Dr. Lee: All right. Well, you’re here, you’re healthy and uh, yeah, let’s, uh, let’s go on and get your smile that, that, that you deserve.

Patient: That’s what I want. That’s what I want.

Dr. Lee: And for the temporary phase too, if you don’t like, like, “Hey doc, I actually want to, like-” You know, we, we’re gonna have a pretty light colour, like lighter. We can do that pretty fine.

Patient: No, I’m not into that something. [laughs]

Dr. Lee: Okay. So, we’re…

Patient: I’m sorry, but I’m not that…

Dr. Lee: Right. Right. So, so, this is actually, this is bleach white. This is a natural white. And for-for most, like, middle-aged guys, they like the natural white.

Patient: Natural white. Yeah.

Dr. Lee: So they don’t, we don’t look like a sink[?].

Patient: No, no, no. I don’t want, yeah.

Dr. Lee: Yeah. Awesome. Yeah. We want people to say, oh, you got a nice smile, but it doesn’t, like, stick out.

Patient: That’s what people say when they just see this part, and it’s like, okay. Then if they really get me going, then they can see I’m missing my teeth. And then it’s, they’re like, and it’s like, okay, yeah, it’s fine to have just half teeth.

Dr. Lee: Yeah. Sounds good.

Patient: That’s where I’m at.

Dr. Lee: Well, nice meeting you.

Patient: Pleasure meeting you.

Dr. Lee: Yeah. Yeah. Have a great day. And uh, I’ll have you, uh, talk to Alicia. And yeah, we can, I think our surgery dates are filling up fast, so we just wanna decide the surgery date ASAP.

Alicia: We got it.

Dr. Lee: And then we can lock the date. Okay? Any questions for me?

Patient: None.

Dr. Lee: Okay. So, work as a team. Me and Dr…

[pausing video]

Bart: See what he just did there, that was really good. It just created a little bit of scarcity to schedule set. Our surgery dates are filling up fast, but we’re gonna try to find a date for you. So, all those little things kind of add up throughout the call.

I’m gonna go and switch you, guys. I’m gonna switch the screen to show you the third 10 now. But all in all, I think the doctor really has a good way of connecting and-and building trust with the patient. Super casual, really good tone, very good delivery. Um, you know, you just wanna make sure that everything is tied back to the outcome. They didn’t really talk about anything that, how he was going to look, until the very end, and the patient kind of drove that conversation.

Okay. This is the third 10. And guys, again, like if you have, if you have, um, access to a consultation room to do the first 10 in, it’s way better than putting them in the console chair. And keep in mind, especially for anybody with any kind of fear of the dentist, just sitting in a dental chair is not the best place to have them when you’re connecting. Right? It’s much, much safer to have them in a consultation, build the trust, let them talk in a private setting about everything that’s going on, everything that they want. But the second you put someone in a dental chair that’s scared to go into the dentist or as a phobia, um, that, that certainly is not, not going to help.

[playing video]

Alicia: Uh, sit right there for me. All right. So, the good news is, like Dr. Lee said, you are a great candidate, you have a great bone. Um, which is good because some patients that come in here, if they don’t have great bone, they have to build bone, then they have to wait about six months. Um, but for you, you don’t have to do that, which is great. So, what this includes, um…

[pausing video]

Bart: That was good to throw that in there also. I hear some doctors say that when they go through the CT, um, but that didn’t happen. So, she said that I think that’s, that’s really good. Again, I’m planting it in their mind that it’s only gonna get worse. It’s only gonna get more expensive. It makes no sense to wait. We gotta do something now.

[playing video]

Alicia: Extraction, so we’ll remove all the teeth. Um, and this is all done under general anaesthesia. So, we actually have an anesthesiologist come in, and put you to sleep so that, you know, you’re comfortable for the procedure. So, the total, um, fee for this, and this does include three years of maintenance. After three years, it is $395 per year.

Patient: Okay.

Alicia: Okay? Um, and then you’ll, this includes the temporary, which you’ll have for like Dr. Lee said, about three to four months. And then it includes the final fix as well.

Patient: Okay.

Alicia: Okay? So, the total fee for this type of treatment is about $42,000, but after the office discounts, um, Dr. Lee does it for $30, 500. Because we don’t have to send a lot of stuff out to a lab, we’re able to do a lot of stuff in-house. We’re able to cut back on those prices.

Patient: Okay.

Alicia: Okay? Um, a lot of patients that get this treatment done, they finance it so it becomes more like a carb-

[pausing video]

Bart: She’s doing pretty good. But you wanna make sure that you don’t miss the frame of the bundle, right? So, the point of bundling the treatment is we wanna sell it, that, hey, you know, it’s really– the, the most important thing when it comes to this type of treatment is that it’s done the right way and nothing is done to compromise the longevity and the clinical outcome. Right? And because of that, we include absolutely everything upfront that we need, everything that we’re going to need. That way, there are no hidden fees, there’s no cost down the road. This is what we need to get the job done and to give you the-the result that you want. And we don’t, we don’t, uh, we don’t skip anything. Right? We don’t shortchange you on anything. We don’t, and we, we have everything included in this bundle, uh, to make sure that we achieve the outcome. So, you want to kind of frame it to where the whole thing is comprehensive and say, there’s not gonna be any hidden fees. You know, some practices, they’ll do a little portion of it, charge you, and then it’s another charge and another charge and another charge. Um, we, we don’t do that. So, I’m gonna show you everything at once, what it’s going to take. Right? Um, so make sure that you frame, frame the bundle there.

[playing video]

Patient: What I’m looking for.

Alicia: Okay. Before we go into that, do you have any questions about the treatment or anything?

Patient: No, I just was wondering more about the finance stuff.

Alicia: Yup. Okay.

Patient: That’s, that’s where I go with it.

Alicia: Yeah, of course. So, we work with a great company. They go all the way, I think it’s 120 months, um, as far as payments go.

Patient: Okay.

[pausing video]

Bart: See, so we’re starting, we’re going into payments, we didn’t close yet. You always want to close first, right? And you kinda, this is another, this is another point in the close, I think, that everybody struggles with a little bit, is rushing into after the discounts, you know, here’s what the real cost is. You wanna build the value at 40,000. You wanna sell it at 40,000. Build the value, build the value. And say, “Now, listen, because this is a procedure that we don’t do once every other month, like a lot of other dentists, right? We’ve actually created some processes and we’ve brought some things in-house, like building out a lab that saved us a lot ’cause we don’t have to outsource the teeth now, we can actually mill the teeth in-house for much less because of the volume that we do. We also were able to negotiate better prices with the implant companies because of the volume in which we buy them at. So, instead of us taking that money and put it in our pockets, the doctor actually likes to pass those savings onto you and make it more affordable. So, let me show you what’s included at no additional charge when you move forward with this. Because I think you’re gonna find that it adds up to a pretty substantial discount.”

You wanna kind of take your time with that, right? Because you’re building up to it, building up to it, building up to, to where they see. Like, really, there’s $40,000 in value, and I’m going to be able to buy this at a wholesale cost. That’s the whole, that’s the point of the, of this, this technique. And once you’ve done that, and you’ve said, “So, this is gonna equate to right around a $13,000 discount. And that’s without giving anything up, everything is still included. You just get it for $13,000 less because of the fees we save because of the volume that we do here. Does that make sense?”

“Yep, makes sense.”

“Okay, great. So, how would you like to pay for that? And I can get you scheduled. You wanna pay with a credit card, check, or a duffle bag full of dollar bills, what do you want?”

You always close. You always, always, always close. And then, you have to stop. The whole purpose of the- of the consultation is to get to the point where you have one recommendation, and you get to a close. That’s the whole purpose here. You have to get to a close, to get either a yes or a no. Either one. It doesn’t matter, you know? But you have to get there. And you don’t wanna fire all your bullets before you close. Right? Because if he says, “Well, you know, I can’t pay it all right now.” Then you can ask him, “Well, you know, do you wanna pay a portion now and a portion later? I mean, I, what’s easiest for you?”

Give them the opportunity to think about what they wanna do. And then say, well, yeah, I, I don’t know. Um, you can say, “Well, would it help if I could take the- the 30,000 and break it up over a series of months, give you kind of like a low affordable monthly payment? Would something like that help?”

“Yeah, that would help if you could do it.”

“Okay. Okay. Well, give me an idea. So, what kind of payment would work best for you? ‘Cause there’s, there’s so many different options I have available. Do you, would you rather put more money down and have a lower monthly payment, or would you rather put less money down and have a higher monthly payment?”

“Well, I’d rather put less money down, a higher monthly payment.”

“Okay. So, ideally, how much would you like to put down? You’re gonna put down 10, 10,000, 15,000. What, what are you thinking?”

And you keep going and keep going, right? And because– you know what, guys? If he needs financing, I wanna know if this guy has any money or not, because what am I gonna do? I don’t know if he’s going to get approved. I can say, “Hey, this company spreads it out 90 months. I can give you an affordable monthly payment,” but I don’t know if I can or not at this point. So, I’ve gotta have a fallback. So if, if this is somebody that says, “Yeah, you know, I could put, yeah, maybe I’ll put half down, I’ll put 15,000.” Okay, I feel good because even if it comes back and he’s not approved, I know that I can still scale back and get him into something ’cause he has the cash.

If he tells me, “Well, I really can’t put down any more, I would need 100% financing, you know, or maybe I could put down, I don’t know, a thousand bucks or 2,000 bucks.” Then I know that if he’s not approved, the odds of me getting it close today are less than 1%. You know what I mean? So, you’re always thinking, what is my backup? What is my next go-to? Given that the financing falls through. And it’s much easier to do that at this phase rather than waiting until he’s not approved, then trying to ask, well, how much can you put down? How much money do you have? It’s just way better doing it now as a hypothetical.

[playing video]

Alicia: Um, and we can do like a pre-qualification to see, um, what we can get you approved for.

Patient: That would be fine.

Alicia: All right, let me pull that up here.

Patient: Let’s, let’s try.

[pausing video]

Bart: But again, if he says, “Hey, I’d rather put less money down and have a higher payment.”

“Okay, how much do you wanna put down?”

He says, “Well, you know, I could probably do $5,000.”

“Okay, cool. And then, what type of monthly payment would work well for you? Something, something that would make it easy. Look in, say, 600, $700 a month, would that work?”

“No. I mean, if you could do something like maybe $49 a month.”

“I can handle that right now ’cause that ain’t happening. You know what I mean? That ain’t happening. I could be a, I can do $49 a month if you want a cleaning, but like for an all-on-4, you know, that, that’s, that’s not gonna be in the realm of possibility. You’re gonna be somewhere depending on credit and your down payment, you’re gonna be between kind of this and this.”

So I, I have to sell it conceptually before I deliver an option because I don’t wanna deliver an option that’s a yes or no. I wanna know what is the yes right now. And then, uh, then, that way, if he goes, “Yeah, I could do $5,000 down and $700 a month, that would work for me.” Okay, he’s in the ballgame. So, if I get him for $5,000 down and anything $700 or below, I’m just sliding over for a signature. It’s done. Because I already closed them conceptually. He said that he wanted the treatment. He clo-, we run into a financial obstacle, we solved the problem together, and I’m giving him something that’s better than what he wanted. So, I’m sliding over for a signature, and I am going to immediately schedule him. I’m going to assume it’s done.

If you don’t, you’re going to slide it over. And then what happens if you slide it over, and it’s $5,000 down, $600 a month, and he goes, “Okay, thanks for the information. Let me think about it. I’ll get back to you next week.” How it, what-what do you do? What do you do? You just, you messed up. And you know you messed up. That’s what happens. You stepped in it, you know? I don’t want that to happen. So, I’m going to close now before I do it, so it’s not like, “Hey, what do you think about this financial option?” It’s “What financial option do you want? What payment would be easy? How low or high of a monthly payment? 5, 600 a month? Okay, how much down? $5,000, $10,000?”

If he tells me, “I want $500 a month and I want to put down $10,000.” And I go and get that, there is nothing more for him to think about. Do you guys get it? He’s boxed in. He verbally committed, and I did exactly what he wanted. We’re done here. There is nothing to think about, you already thought about it. And you told me what you wanted, and I did it for you. We’re done.

But these things, these are like small missteps in sequencing that can, that can ruin a sale, like, for that day. Nothing you can’t recover from it or you can’t follow up and get them, and not that they won’t do it. It’s just not airtight. You guys want to be airtight with the close, right? How you present the bundle, how you show the value at 40 and how you sell that the discount is something special. You know what I mean? That is something special that not all the other practices give. It’s super important, you don’t wanna, like just go through it. You have to practice that. And then once you close, you have to deal with the close. “How do you wanna pay for that? Credit card, cheque, cheque, cash? You tell me what’s easy, and I get you scheduled.” Right? We’re done here.

“I can do a credit card.”

“Give it to me.” Boom. You’re done.

“Uhhh, I don’t know. I don’t have that much money.”

“Okay. Well, how would you like to pay? You wanna pay a portion now, portion later?”

“I don’t know. I have to think about it.”

“Would it help if I could break it out over payments or over a series of months?”

The sequencing in which you guys bring things up is critical because you’re in a, like assuming that he is completely sold emotionally on doing this and on doing all-on-4 and he wants the outcome. Assuming you sold it correctly, now, it’s just a matter of negotiation. If there’s a discrepancy in price or problem-solving in terms of financing or creating additional liquidity for somebody, that’s it. But the sequencing is really important, and I don’t give take– I don’t like to give take-it-or-leave-it situations. Right?

Because if you give him the financing options, he’s like, “Ahh, you know, I don’t think I can do that payment.” You know. How many different financing options do you really have for the guy? Right? They’re all gonna be in the same, in a very similar ballpark. So, the way that we close on the all-on-4, think about it, guys, we’re closing them conceptually on it, right? They’re telling us what they want, and I’m telling them how to get what they want. Same thing with closing on finances. In closing the deal from a mechanical perspective, you tell me how you want to pay, and I will facilitate it that way. You tell me what you want in terms of a monthly payment, and I will facilitate it. You tell me what you want in terms of a downpayment, and I’ll facilitate it. That way, if what they want is unreasonable, I can correct it and get on the same page before I’ve made a presentation. Because once you make a presentation, if they have something, uh, an unrealistic expectation in their head of what they think the interest rate should be, or what they think the downpayment or the monthly payment should be, after I make a presentation, sometimes, they’re not gonna voice that. You’ll never know. And you’re just wondering why didn’t they do it. You know what I mean? You’re just wondering. Plus, if I do it after the presentation, it looks like I’m correcting them. And it looks like I’m selling the presentation and it looks like I’m pushing.

The way that I teach how to do it, there is no pushing because everything is exactly how you want it to be. Just tell me how you want it to be. Does that make sense? And if how they want it to be, if they’re on Mars or Pluto, I fix it now with them. And we come to a conceptual agreement, we reach a middle ground before I go and try to do it. Makes sense? Really, really, really important in any type of negotiation. You want to know how they see things, how they see the money, what- what is in their head, right? If there’s an issue with that, you correct it before you make a presentation. It works. It’s so smooth.

[playing video]

Alicia: Let me get to the computer screen in your hand. ‘Cause there would be so much in here. [laughing] What is your monthly mortgage? Or your portion…

[skipping video]

Alicia: And then, if not, we do have another option. It’s, um, still a full-fixed, but that, it would be the temporary, basically. Which is it?

Patient: Okay.

Alicia: So, still-

[skippping video]

Alicia: Pre-qualified you for $20,000. Um, let’s see…

Bart: Guys, hear that? Pre-qualified for $20,000. $20,000 [crosstalk]

Alicia: So, we have one more company that approves up to, um, [mumbling]

[pausing video]

Bart: You see, if I already got out of the guy, that he can put down $10,000, I’m good. I know I’m good. I got your finance, we’re good. You know what I mean? He’s gonna put down 10, I got the 20. That’s why you want to know before you do financing, does this dude have any money? You want to know that before you do it because you don’t know if it’s close or not. That’s why she’s like, I’m sure, in her head, she’s going, “Oh, shit.” Right? “I only got him for $20,000. Now, I’m gonna have to change the treatment plan.” That’s what she’s thinking and it’s tough to say like, there’s is a difference between saying, “How much do you wanna put down?” versus saying, “You need to put down $10,000.” There’s a difference.

[playing video] [skipping video]

Alicia: Okay. So, these are the options as far as the financing goes. Umm. So, uh, to bring you all the way to 96 months, would be $406.86 a month.

Patient: Umm, yeah, let’s do that.

Alicia: You wanna do that?

Patient: And then I could pay off a little, yeah.

Alicia: Okay.

Patient: Yeah.

Alicia: All right. Let me finish this part here. [mumbling] [indistinctive conversation]

Bart: Hold on one second, I think I missed here.

[skipping video]

Alicia: And now, we’re on $22,000.

Bart: Here’s where she’s kinda saying the treatment went up.

Alicia: And then, if not, we do have another option. It’s, um, still a full-fixed, but that, it would be the temporary, basically. Which is it?

Patient: Okay.

Alicia: So, still very nice.

[skipping video]

Bart: Sorry, guys. This is a really important part of the story in this video. And I don’t want the guy to bail out on the treatment plan too soon. I have to change it.

[repeating the video]

Alicia: And then, if not, we do have another option. It’s, um, still a full-fixed, but that, it would be the temporary, basically. Which is it?

Patient: Okay.

Alicia: So, still very nice. Still, a better situation than you’re in now. And now, it’s $22,000. So, kinda lines up.

Patient: We’ll see that.

Alicia: You wanted that? [crosstalk] Okay.

Patient: Go with the… yeah.

Alicia: Okay.

[pausing video]

Bart: Okay. So, what just happened here? That’s what I’m talking about now. So, we just changed him, from, uh, Zirconia material to basically composite, right? Was there any ex– Was there any level of expectation that got changed in terms of outcome or longevity or aesthetics, or function? No. So, what he’s thinking in his head? Again, just like I told you, well, it’s better than where I am. Well, this looks pretty good. It’s probably the same. But it wasn’t discussed. There was no difference, there was nothing discussed in terms of the difference in how he’s gonna look, feel, or function with the zirconia versus this, and what’s that going to mean. And, and they’re very different, right? The, the, the, the PMMA is going to be much higher maintenance for somebody. They have to understand that it will stain, they have to understand that it will chip, it will crack, it will break. And they have to understand and be willing to replace it at a minimum every year. They have to know that going into it. You know what I mean?

If they don’t, you know, then you can just put yourself in a bad spot where he’s upset later. “Oh geez, this thing cracks,” or this thing– You’re like, “Yeah, well, you know, it’s a different material.” And he said, “Well, I didn’t know that. I didn’t know that when I bought it.” Do you guys know what I’m saying? So, you sell the outcome. If I can’t get it, he, the, the thing that gets me here is I never got a no out of him. He never said no. He was just thinking, and you could tell he was thinking about, “How the hell am I going to pay for the ten grand?” Or “Am I gonna pay for the ten grand?” Whatever. But that’s just the conversation.

Listen, how much can you put down? How much can you put down? Just get a number out of him, whatever it is. You have to have a starting point. Right now, we need 10. If he can do 5 down, and I can get the rest, is there a chance that we could maybe spread the other five over three months in just in-house finance? $5,000 for him on 30? Yeah, there is a chance we can do that. Why not? All is, it-it’s just gonna have a higher payment for the first three months. You know, there’s-there’s ways to do it. You just have to– you have to get a number out of him. Even if it’s 0. If his number is 0, and I need 10 to get this done, then I know I’m probably, we’re probably gonna roll this thing back to the $22,000 PMMA. But, it’s still $2,000 over what he got financed, and he didn’t bat an eye at that. Did you hear it? So, he knows he’s gonna come up with two grand. He didn’t bat an eye. So, how much could he really come up with? What’s too much and what’s not enough? You know what I mean? Like maybe he can come up, maybe he could do 6,000, and he’s comfortable with it. That only leaves us $4,000 away. I don’t wanna change the whole treatment plan over 4 grand.

I would much rather say, “Listen, we got a $4,000 difference here. So, here’s what we can do. You tell me what you think about this. Right? ‘Cause this is gonna keep you in the same materials, same treatment plan, everything, I’m just gonna have to work this a little differently for you. You pay $6,000 now, I can get you financed for the 20, it leaves 4,000. What’s the easiest way to pay for the 4,000 for you? Right? And let’s just say we keep it out of the financing companies, and we just finance it to you as a practice, could you do the 4,000 over four months? And we would still get going on the treatment immediately. But if you could the 4,000, say, in a separate payment just once a month, we’ll do that for 0% interest for you. Right? Or, or five months, or what do you think? Three months? What could you do? We-we’re already here, so we don’t have to change anything. I would rather… like, I’m not worried about financing in-house $4,000 when someone’s doing 30. Now, I would be worried about financing in-house $25,000 when someone’s doing 30, or $15,000. But 4,000, I would feel much, much, much more comfortable. And I would feel more comfortable taking a risk on 4,000 with a patient moving forward with treatment rather than lose 8,000 and put him in PMMA. Does that make sense? This guy didn’t bat an eye at the, at, at the price. You know, not at 22. So, I guarantee you this guy could have put down at minimum 5. And he probably could have committed to that right now. Just judging off his snap, immediate reaction to putting down 2,000, that was a no-brainer. He knows he can just put down on a credit card, no big deal. I bet you any amount of money, 5,000, he would’ve done it.

So, hang in there a little bit. Hang in there a little bit with it because you can still get that $30,000 sale, and the patient’s expectation doesn’t have to change. If you guys change the treatment plan because of money, before you change it and even give the-the patient a price, you have to say, you have to restate what they’re going to be, what they’re going to live with and what the clinical outcome and the differences are going to be there, so that that patient is 100% clear in terms of what they’re buying. You don’t want to make it sound the same. You wanna do the opposite of that. You don’t wanna make it sound bad because it’s not, but you have to be clear. The patient has– otherwise, he comes back and he’s like, “Oh man, this thing cracks,” or “This thing keeps chipping,” or “Why-” I didn’t, you know, like, “Well, yeah, it’s a different kind of material.” And the patient’s going to say, “I didn’t know that. I didn’t know it was like totally different to this level or I would’ve just done the other one.” You know, you don’t want those problems.

[playing video]

Alicia: So, these are the options as far as the financing goes. Umm. So, uh, to bring you all the way to 96 months, would be $406-

[pausing video]

Bart: Oh, geez. I didn’t even notice, we’re out of time. It doesn’t even matter though, right? Because what Alicia did really well is she didn’t let this guy get up and say, “Let me think about it,” even though he couldn’t do the 10,000. She-she didn’t let him get up and say, “Let me think about it.” She scaled it back and she got this close. He committed. He paid. He’s done. They’re doing it. It’s on the schedule on the box. Okay? So, she made, she made the close. She did great here. Umm. The only things to remember, to keep in mind, and all of these just comes with practice and-and a little bit of reflection, right? You guys watching your own videos and working with us here. But, to really practice on-on selling that bundle the right way, framing the discount the right way so it sounds special, and then you have to practice the close. You guys have a hard time, like, asking for the money. You want to run in the financing. Not just Alicia, this is a, this is a universal thing, right? This is like something that everybody has in common, is we close on the money and we immediately go to financing. And sometimes, we go to financing before we even talk about the money.

But there’s rarely a point in time in which we give them a price, and we say, “How would you like to pay for that so I can get you on the schedule? Do you want to do a credit card, cheque or cash, what’s easy?” And then be quiet. If that doesn’t work, “I can’t pay for it all.” “Okay, well, how would you like to pay? Wha-wha-what will make it easy? You wanna pay a little bit now, a little bit later, you wanna break it out, like– you tell me.” Get a little more out of him. “Well, will it help if I could spread it out long-term for you? 60, 90 months, something like that, would that help?”

“Yes, that would help.”

“Okay. How much do you want to put down? A little bit and have a higher monthly payment, or a lot and have a lower monthly payment?”

“Okay, I wanna put a lot down, have a lower monthly payment ’cause I don’t want the interest.”

“Okay. So, how much do you wanna put down? It’s $30,000, you wanna put down, say, 20? Finance the other 10? Or you wanna do half and half? How you wanna do it?”

That, that sequencing, you have to practice that. Remember, close it conceptually before you put a piece of paper in front of him. Right? ‘Cause the last thing you wanna do is make a secondary close with financing, and then they look at it and go, “Okay, let me think about it.” Or you’re negotiating on a price, and they’re like, “Could you do any better?” And you wind up working on a price, say, an additional 1,500. Right? You go, “How about this? I can go, if you pay, I get this, okay, well… Here’s what I’ll do. If you can pay cash and commit now to, let’s say I’ll do, you know, $2,500 off. You know, I do- I can do probably another 2,500 off.” They’ll go, “Okay. Awesome. Great. Can you write that down? Let me think about it, I’ll get back to you next week?”

Not good. Not good. You stepped in it again. You know. So, I want you guys to really focus on-on connecting with the patient, and then focus on the close, framing the bundle and then getting the right sequencing. And remember what we’re talking about. Like this guy is not- he’s so close financially to doing the treatment that’s recommended. Uhh, it’s so hard to give that up over that much, you know what I mean? If he only got approved for, say 10, and it was 30, you know, then-then it’s different. But he got approved for 20, and he clearly has 2, that’s 8, and I bet if he has 2, he’s got 5. So, that’s $5,000 difference, I’ll figure that out. You know what I mean? I’ll figure that out. Because if the guy came to you for 30, and said, “Hey, if you can take 2,000 off, I’ll do it right now,” most people would negotiate that, right? It’s less than 10%. If they’re doing and they’re paying it, so now, it’s 2,000, 28,000 to close the deal, you know, rather than go from 30 to 22. Just like that. So, just keep that in mind and keep working on it, problem solved.

And remember, like your risk in terms of in-house financing, something, if it’s around, somewhere around 10-15% of the total cost of the treatment, that is ridiculously low risk. Especially if you get a credit card to do it on automatic charge or a debit card, that’s ridiculously low risk. And then, you don’t have to restate it. But if you do have to restate it, please, restate it because the PMMA is a much different product. Don’t call it temporary because it makes it sound bad. You know what I mean? It’s just a different kind of material. There are pros and cons. The pros to it is that it’s lighter, it’s easier on you, it’s easier on the jaw joints, it’s very, very comfortable. The cons is that it’s higher maintenance, and-and it’s not as durable, and you’re gonna be replacing this every 12 months. Which costs money, by the way. The reprints cost money. So, you have to sell it differently. That’s a lower fee, but it has an annual charge on it. So, it’s gonna be sold differently just to avoid a possible issue in-in the future. Because the money changes and the-the-the treatment changes, that means the outcome is gonna change.

Everybody? Does anybody have any questions, any questions on any of that stuff? Okay, awesome. That was a really good one. And Alicia, good job on getting that close, girl. Uhh, you guys did really, really good. Um, I’ll let you go. Sorry, I went a little bit over, but… Yeah, guys, if you haven’t, if you guys haven’t got with the doctor, um, what power sessions you’re going to attend, we only have the capacity here, right? We-we have one a month in the capacity, it’s like 105 people, and that’s it. So, like, they’re booking out. You guys need to look at all of the dates and look at the, uhh, at the course titles, and get with us and get RSVP’d for whatever you want. They just book it out, you know. If you’re going to go to one at a quarter, book it out for the next 12 months and be done, um, because what’s starting to happen is we’re getting a lot, we tend to get a lot of RSVPs, like within a week, you know what I mean? And if-if it’s already full, then it kinda generates a little bit of an issue. So, um, make sure that you guys just get the counter. Go ahead and schedule them out. You don’t have anything on the calendar in 8 months, so you don’t have to look. Just schedule them and get– Get on the books and then I know, oh, hey, we’re-for this particular course, we need two of these that month because we’re full and we got more treatment coordinators to accommodate, and it just kinda helps us plan if you guys are scheduled out and RSVP’d out. So, if you haven’t done that, please do that.

And, uh, other than that, happy 4th of July, and uh, go, go sell some merch, go close some businesses, make that money. All right? See you guys. Bye-bye.


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